November: A Slow Return to Normalcy in Shanghai

Hi Everyone! Welcome back to Astronomer in Shanghai. I hope that all of you are doing well and staying safe and healthy. As the weather is finally cool in Shanghai, and transitioning to winter for many of you, I hope that those of you in colder climates are still doing well (and not buried under snow yet). For those of you in the Buffalo area, I hope you are safe and didn’t get buried under too much snow. I hope that all of you have had a nice and enjoyable fall and wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving!

As I’ve done the last few months, I’ll begin by updating all of you on the current covid-19 situation in Shanghai. As I’m sure some of you are aware, China officially eased some of the covid restrictions that had been put in place. However, zero covid is still very much the primary policy. Some of the main policy changes included reducing the quarantine time for new arrivals into China from 7 days at a hotel and 3 at home to 5 days at a hotel and 3 at home. (That said, being allowed home for those 3 days is at the discretion of your neighborhood committee and is by no means guaranteed). They also got rid of quarantining people who were secondary close contacts (i.e., close contacts of people who themselves were close contacts of people who tested positive for covid-19). However, while these policy changes are certainly a step in the right direction, they are still very tiny steps and there’s still a very long way to go before things reach a level of normalcy that exists in the US and elsewhere around the world. There has been an increased pressure for people to be vaccinated, but this still leaves me puzzled as to why China has refused to allow the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines be used (though there were promising reports that thanks to a meeting from the German ambassador that the Pfizer vaccine may soon be made available for ex-pats living in China. If that does happen, Emmet and I will both sign up as soon as possible). While these policy changes are a step in the right direction, I really wish that China would ease policies related to travel in a transparent way (they’ve announced some easing, but it is still unclear how that will be enacted), in particular travel around China, as I’d love to more easily visit Emmet in Beijing (or have Emmet visit me) and not worry about getting stuck in another city.

Despite these policy changes, the actual situation hasn’t changed that much. Shanghai still requires that you be tested within 72 hours to go on public transportation and to enter large shopping spaces. As a result of this, I’m generally being tested at least 3 times per week and since my last blog post, have been tested 16 times. As a result of the new policies, Shanghai ended mass testing, so there’s no longer the testing that was done directly in my neighborhood. That said, I’m fortunate that I can walk around the corner to get tested, since it’s still a part of everyday life. Although the situation in Shanghai appears to be okay (there are a small number of cases ~10-20) each day, elsewhere in China, the situation is more worrisome. In Guangzhou (southern China, near Hong Kong), there have been 10s of thousands of cases and rumors of a city-wide lockdown. In Beijing, where Emmet is, cases have started to flare up to a few hundred a day, leading to many people being asked to work from home, lots of schools being forced to go online, and the closure of dine-in restaurants (thankfully Emmet and his cat, Goldie, are both safe and healthy).

Overall, I hope that the situation will improve soon in Beijing and Guangzhou and that policy restrictions will continue to be loosened over the coming months.

Astronomy in Shanghai

This was another very busy and productive month of Astronomy research. For the most part, I split my time between doing research/writing and doing new job applications (mostly for postdoctoral positions at universities in the US). So, far, I’ve submitted 23 applications (still about 15-20 to go). While each application isn’t as time consuming as it was the first time I put all my application material together (since I can reuse the same research statement), I do spend a lot of time going over department websites to figure out which faculty I could work with and writing cover letters. Once I know where I’ll be going next, I’ll make sure to let all of you know.

In terms of Astronomy research, this was another productive month. First, I received only minor revisions for my DES Intracluster light paper! While I haven’t started those yet (because of the job applications), I plan to address them in the coming month. Once the paper is published, I’ll share the link here!

Additionally, I’ve made significant headway on Project Population, my analysis of the conditional luminosity function done using both SDSS-redMaPPer and the Yang (2021) cluster catalogs. I’ve actually finished all the science and am almost done writing the paper! It’s been a bit of a whirlwind, but Ying and I are trying to get this out by the beginning of December to help with my applications! We have some very interesting results about how the different cluster finders and their methods for identifying the cluster centers result in different populations of red and blue galaxies. We also use weak gravitational lensing measurements to show that despite these differences in the galaxy populations, we don’t see large discrepancies in the estimated halo mass. Once the paper is posted on arXiv, I’ll share the link here and discuss it in depth a bit more!

One fun thing that I got to do this past month was give a guest lecture at NYU: Shanghai! Thanks to one of my friends from Trivia, I was invited to go in and give a guest lecture on my research (and galaxy clusters/dark matter) in English for Academic Purposes: Gaze into Space! I had a fantastic time visiting NYU: Shanghai! The students seemed to really enjoy meeting me and asked excellent questions (ranging from background questions about what inspired me to study Astronomy, to more technical questions about parallel universes and the nature of dark matter)! I hope that I have the opportunity to do more teaching or guest lecturing in the future!

On another positive note, I’ve finally been back to SJTU’s campus! After 8 months of exclusively working from home, I’ve now been back at SJTU twice. The first time was to collect all the necessary forms for my visa renewal (which is now completed) and the second time was for my research group meeting. Going forward, I’m planning to go in 1 time per week for the group meeting (since Ying, my supervisor, is still not going in more than 2-3 times per week). The process of entering campus is a bit annoying, though. I have to apply to enter campus the night before, which is a formality, since they just want to see your green QR health and travel codes. Once you enter campus, they scan you in and you can only leave campus once, or else you have to apply again to enter. Moreover, it’s entirely unclear to me how the campus shuttle works, since I have to apply to enter the Minhang campus, but take the shuttle from Xujiahui. So, instead, I’ve been taking the metro, which is a bit more of a schlep.

Despite the annoyances of schlepping out to campus, it was really nice to be back! While it was much quieter and less lively than I remembered, it was nice to see some of my colleagues, many of whom I had only seen virtually or communicated with via WeChat for the past 8 months! Plus, the campus is very beautiful, so I’m glad that I’ve gotten (and will continue to have) the opportunity to go in this fall/winter.

One other cool thing was that ~ 2 weeks ago, there was a full lunar eclipse visible in Shanghai! I could see it from just outside of my apartment! It was really cool watching the moon slowly transition to being a full eclipse (Blood Moon)! While I wish I had been somewhere with fewer buildings in the way, I’m glad that I was able to see it!

Plus, I let the Kehilat Shanghai community know about the eclipse and many of the community members were also able to go out and see it!

Life in Shanghai

Given all of the work that I’ve been doing this past month on job applications and writing a new research paper, there wasn’t a ton of time for fun activities. Most of my free time has been spent trying to unwind, exercise, cook, or playing with Scottie and Charlie. I’m still going to F45 4-5 times per week, but it’s finally cool enough here that I can run comfortably! So, I’ve been doing that 1-2 times per week as well!

Despite the busier work month, there were some fun highlights, including two different trivia nights and dinners with friends that I’ll share later!

Despite Halloween, not really being celebrated in Shanghai (outside of the expat communities), I did want to share some of the fun Halloween decorations that I saw around the city (mostly in places that cater to younger people or expats). I even bought myself some Halloween candy and my Mom sent me a goody bag via Baopals!

I also wanted to share some cool photos from around Shanghai! Despite having lived here for over three years, I still find the city so beautiful and love to walk around because I never know what I’ll see!

I also saw some cool comic and anime related or inspired things!

There was also this awesome Bleach display at the Lawson’s (a Japanese convenience store) around the corner from my department in celebration of the new Bleach anime!

Lastly, over the past two months, I’ve noticed tons of these cute cat statues all over Shanghai! Though, it seems like they’re no longer up now. While I have no idea why they were up in the first place (they seem to be in commercial locations), it reminds me a lot of the horses that are decorated/designed by artists and setup around Saratoga or the Buffalo statues around Buffalo!

In addition to the always adorable Scottie and Charlie, I also saw some of the cute cats at F45 and in the neighborhood!

Scottie and Charlie

Despite me now going in to the office once a week, I’m still getting plenty of time with Scottie and Charlie. I’m not sure they really understand why I leave on some days, but I know they’re always happy to see me (and get fed)! It makes coming home a lot nicer, too! Overall, this was a fun month for them, filled with some new toys to play with and somehow a new high perch for Scottie!

Most importantly, they continue to be absolutely adorable! They love cuddling with one another (and me) and always know how to cheer me up when I get stressed about work or job applications.

They’re also just as adorable when by themselves!

This month, Scottie continued to explore and find new places to sit!

Charlie also continues to be super playful and loves to play with me! Scottie also wanted to play with the feather toy, but Charlie wanted it a bit more 🙂

Food in Shanghai

The main culinary adventure this month was a fantastic hotpot dinner that my friend Sarah organized (including my friends Kate & Ilan)! We went to a vegetarian hot pot restaurant that was amazing! From the fun appetizers (like chik’n nuggets, spring roles, kaofu, jiaozi – dumplings) to the amazing xiaolongbao (soup dumplings) to of course the fantastic hot pot! It was so much fun and so delicious! I have wanted to try xiaolongbao (Shanghai style soup dumplings), so that was one of my favorite parts (since they are traditionally not vegetarian)!

We had a fantastic mushroom broth, featuring exotic mushrooms from Yunnan (Western China). You can also see the most gorgeous display of vegetables (mushrooms, greens) and a wide array of mock meats (different tofus, and vegetarian sausages) for the hot pot! I used a lot of different mushrooms, tofu, and other vegetables like cauliflower and broccoli! I can’t wait to go again! Plus, since everything was vegetarian, I didn’t have to worry about selecting the wrong broth or cooking item!

In addition to this amazing hot pot experience, I had some other great meals! Tacolicious had two awesome vegetarian/vegan specials this past month. First, they had a vegan (made from Zrou, a chinese brand of mock meat) burger topped with vegan chili! Then they also had a nopales (cactus) taco! I don’t think I’ve had nopales before, but it was really great! And nopales are apparently grown in China!

Additionally, when I went to NYU: Shanghai, I had a lovely lunch ahead of time with the Professor who invited me and my friend who invited me, including a falafel bowl, coconut raspberry milkshake, and miso tofu!

While most of what I had was savory food. I also had an interesting Shanghai specialty lemon cake when my supervisor Ying and I met at a coffee shop in Pudong to finalize the plans for our luminosity function paper. It was also really nice to see Ying in person, as it had been 7 months since we saw each other face-to-face.

Plus, how could I not share this adorable photo of how Oreos are packaged in China!

In addition to the amazing food I enjoyed with friends, I also did a lot of cooking for myself! It’s been cooler, so I’ve been making a lot of different curries! Some of the highlights include Pra Ram Tofu (twice), Malai Tofu, Sticky sesame cauliflower, spinach and chickpea curry, and sweet potato and chickpea curry. I also made delicious vegan chocolate chip cookies for this month’s Family Shabbat!

Jewish Life in Shanghai

This past month, was a bit quieter for Kehilat Shanghai. We had a lovely Family Shabbat this past weekend as well as two fun trivia nights (that I’ll share the questions from below). However, the main highlight was two weeks ago when Roberta (from Kehillat Beijing) was stuck in Shanghai, so my friends Shimi and Heather hosted a lovely Shabbat dinner!

It was so nice to gather with friends and have a relaxing Shabbat (and not have to do the organization myself)! I look forward to more Shabbat gatherings in the coming months! An added bonus was that since Roberta sees Emmet almost every week for Shabbat in Beijing, she was able to bring Emmet some of my homemade jam and a book for him! For those of you wondering, travel is possible, but there is no guarantee you won’t get stuck and SJTU needs to approve any travel I take.

I also participated in two fantastic Zoom talks organized by Historic Shanghai about the history of Jews in Shanghai. The first was by author Liliana Willems who spoke about her experiences growing up in Shanghai (as a refugee from the WWII/the Holocaust). She also spoke about her book, Stateless in Shanghai. The second was this morning, and was a discussion led by Marina Cunningham, where she discussed her experience growing up in Shanghai (in a Russian Jewish family) and the experience of staying in Shanghai until the late 1950s. Shanghai has such a rich and fascinating history and I’m so grateful that I have so many opportunities to learn about it. It was particularly interesting to hear more about the Jewish experience in Shanghai after WWII, as much of what I’ve learned has centered on just that time period (and the Shanghai Ghetto experience is different from those who lived in Shanghai before and after WWII).

What I’m Reading and Watching

This month, I want to highlight two manga/graphic novel series the I finished. The first is Fairy Tail! It’s a 63 volume manga epic that Emmet and I had started reading when we were beginning graduate school! Although Emmet had finished it prior to moving to Beijing, it took us longer to find a way for me to read it legally online. However, during the lockdown, Emmet and I found that it was available on the INKR app! Fairy Tail is a fun series about the adventures of Natsu Dragneel and his wizard guild mates as they go on jobs to defeat evil wizards and monsters and ultimately save the world! I loved this series and have really enjoyed all of Hiro Mashima (the author/artists) works, so was thrilled that I could read it digitally!

The second series was Hilo, by Judd Winnick! Hilo is an all-ages graphic novel series about a robot boy who falls to earth and the adventures he has with his best friends DJ and Gina. I had met Judd Winnick when he visited Ann Arbor while I was a grad student and had bought the first volume then. However, I was able to pick up the rest of the series, volumes 2-8, (more will come out later) at the Foreign Language Bookstore over the summer! It’s such a fun series and one I definitely recommend for kids as the story and art are both filled with so much heart and love for the superhero genre!

I also finished a few TV series. I finished watching the latest season of The Flight Attendant on HBOMax, which shows the out of control adventures and downward spiral of Kaley Cuoco’s lead character’s life and battle with alcoholism. I also watched Night Sky on Amazon Prime, which was an interesting sci-fi concept where the lead characters have a portal that takes them to another planet under their backyard shed. The world building of the porals and who was using them was interesting, but unfortunately the show was cancelled so didn’t ultimately get to be lead to anything. I also finished watching the 2nd season of Ozark and am looking forward to continuing to watch the rest!

If you’ve gotten this far, thank you for so much for reading my blog and for your interest in my life and experiences in Shanghai. I hope that you enjoy this update, seeing the fantastic food I’ve enjoyed, and hearing about a relatively normal month in Shanghai, with tons of photos of Scottie and Charlie! If you have any questions about anything I’ve written don’t hesitate to reach out either in the comments or via e-mail. I hope that all of you have a safe, happy, healthy, end of November and that all of you have a lovely Thanksgiving filled with friends and family!

In peace,




Round 1: Things that are Orange?

ž1). Otto the Orange is the mascot of this University in New York?
2). William of Orange was a noble who later became King William the III of England.  Prior to this, he led this revolution in 1688, supported by the Protestants.  Bonus: Where is the Province of Orange?
3). žThough Fanta’s most popular flavor is orange, name the other 8 flavors of Fanta that are currently sold (neither orange or orange sugar free).
4). žThough this sports team has a different color in it’s name, it’s helmets are not that color, instead, they are orange.
5). žInstead of jam, this type of preserve ižs often made with oranges, using the rind.
6). Garfield, the comic strip cat, is a classic orange tabby cat. Name his owner?
7). žIn 2005, this work of art was installed in Central Park by Christo and Jeanne-Claude featuring a series of saffron-colored nylon fabric.
8). žIn Hinduism, these ascetic wandering monks or holy men often wear orange clothing.
9). žDespite it’s flag being red, white, and blue, athletes from this country always compete wearing orange.
10). žThis television network, home to many of my childhood classics from Rocket Power to Rugrats, has a logo featuring an orange splat.

Answers: 1). Syracuse 2). The Glorious Revolution — Southern France 3). Orange cream, Dragon Fruit, Pineapple, Strawberry, Grape, Peach, Pina Colada, Berry 4). Cleveland Browns 5). Marmalade 6). Marmalade 7). The Gates 8). Sadhu 9). Netherlands 10). Nickelodeon

Round 2: Monster Mash (by Emmet)

1). The Golem Is the quintessential Jewish monster.  This man of clay is brought to life by writing this word on his forehead (Please give the Hebrew and English).  He is returned to his slumber by putting this word on his forehead (Please give the Hebrew and English)
2). žThis British TV show (which had a US remake that aired on the SyFy channel in the early 2010s) features a werewolf, vampire, and ghost all living together.
3). žHoward Carter famously discovered this Mummy’s tomb in 1922
4). This “Mother of Frankenstein’s Monster” is also a famous Daughter.  Name both the author and her mother.  Bonus points if you can name the book that the author of Frankenstein’s mother is best known for
5). This real historical figure is commonly believed to have served as the inspiration for Count Dracula.  Name him and the historical kingdom he was the Prince of. 
6). These two mythical monsters are known for seducing men and women (respectively) into sexual relations
7). What are the names (and monster type) of the two leading love interests in the Twilight series?
8). Although more famous for playing Wolverine, Hugh Jackman also played this legendary monster hunter in this self-named film. 
9). žThese mythical Japanese swordsman monsters are known for their raven-like wings and red skin.  They were also believed to teach the way of the sword to Minamoto no Yoshitane.
10). žLess of a monster and more of a mythical figure, this Monkey King of Chinese folklore served as the inspiration for Goku in Akira Toriyama’s Dragon Ball manga (proper name only) 

Answers). 1). Emet (אמת) – Truth; Met (מת) – Death 2). Being Human 3). King Tut 4). Mary Shelley; Mary Wallstonecraft; A Vindication of the Rights of Woman: with Strictures on Political and Moral Subjects 5). Vlad Tepes; Wallachia 6). Succubus; Incubus 7). Jacob (therianthrope – werewolf is acceptable); Edward (vampire) 8). Van Helsing 9). Tengu 10). Sun Wukong

Round 3: Connections

1). žThough he didn’t live up to his hype, this American soccer player became the youngest man ever to sign in the MLS, when he signed with the DC United at Age 14
2). žThis city was founded in 1630 by Puritan settlers arriving in the Americas.  It hosts Americas first subway system and public library and is home to many institutions of higher learning
3). žName this rhyming named turtle who appears in children’s books and is also an estimated 90 year old turtle who lives at the New England Aquarium.
4). žName the mother of Jacob and Esau?
5). žThis fictional mathematician who specializes in Chaos Theory was portrayed by Jeff Goldblum in the Jurassic Park Series
6). žName this Jamaican singer, musician, songwriter and pioneer of reggae
7). žThis California-based fast casual dining chain with more than 300 locations (mostly in the US) was modeled on Chipotle, but for Pizzas.  LeBron James is one of the original investors in the company
8). ž In the Pirates of the Caribbean series, this ship was captained by Davy Jones?
9). žIn 2022, this man became the first Norwegian-born tennis player to compete for a grand slam championship (when he did so twice)
10). What is the Connection

Answers: 1). Freddy Adu 2). Boston 3). Myrtle the Turtle 4). Rebecca 5). Dr. Ian Malcolm 6). Bob Marley 7). Blaze Pizza 8). The Flying Dutchman 9). Casper Ruud 10). Famous Ghosts


Round 1: Thanksgiving Foods

1). žThis popular starchy tuber comes in a variety of colors, both inside and out.  Including brown, yellow, orange, red, or purple skin and white, orange, or purple inside.
2). Name this popular Turkey substitute in the US, with a name based on a portmanteau.
3). žThough these terms are often used to mean the same thing, what is the technical difference between stuffing and dressing?
4). Pumpkin pie spice is traditionally a combination of these 5 ingredients?
5). žThough not always the most popular side dish, this dish is traditionally topped with crispy, crunchy, fried onions.
6). žPotatoes are used in all manners of Thanksgiving food.  They are native to the Americans and are thought to have been domesticated 7-10,000 years ago.  Name specifically where Potatoes are thought to originate?
7). žEating or drinking the juice from too much of this ingredient can lead to diarrhea and upset stomach.
8). žSouthern families traditionally serve Macaroni and Cheese at Thanksgiving dinner.  However, the first recipe for the modern interpretation of Macaroni and Cheese appeared in 1769 in a book published in this country?
9). žThis green, sour, apple popular in apple pie originated in Australia in 1868.
10). žName this member of the Gemmifera cultivar group of cabbages grown for its edible buds, which has long been popular in Belgium.

Answers: 1). Sweet Potato 2). Tofurky 3). Where they are cooked 4). Ginger, cinnamon, allspice, cloves, nutmeg 5). Green Bean Casserole 6). Andes region of South America 7). Cranberries 8). England 9). Granny Smith Apples 10). Brussels Sprouts

Round 2: The World Cup

1). ž5 Countries have hosted the Men’s World Cup twice.  Name them
2). Only one country has participated in all 21 Men’s World Cups, name it
3). žThe World Cup hosted by these two countries in 2002 featured the most host cities and host stadiums.
4). Name this country that has won a record 5 world cup.  Bonus, Name these two countries that have been runner up the most?
5). žJust Fontaine, a striker for this country holds the record with the most goals in a single World Cup with 13 in 1958
6). žMiroslav Klose of Germany holds the record for most overall Men’s World Cup goals with how many?
7). žName the year and champion for the first Men’s World Cup?
8). žThe women’s World Cup was first held in 1991, hosted in what country and won by who?
9). žDespite many countries competing for the World Cup, in total, only how many countries have actually won?
10). žThough Miroslav Klose holds the record for the most goals for men, this Brazilian superstar holds the record for women, with 17.

Answers: 1). Germany, Brazil, Mexico, France, Italy 2). Brazil 3). Japan & South Korea 4). Brazil; Argentina-Netherlands 5). žFrance 6). 16 7). Uruguay – 1930; 8). China; USA 9). 8 10). Marta

Round 3: “Remember, Remember, the 5th of November” (by Emmet)

1). žOn November 5, 1572, this famous Danish Astronomer (famous for his incredibly intricate naked eye observations) observed a supernova in the Cassiopeia constellation. 
2). žFamously Guy Fawkes Night, November 5 in the UK remembers when Guy Fawkes was arrested for trying to place explosives under this house of Parliament in 1605
3). žOn November 5, 1639, the first post office in what would become the United States was established in this colony
4). žOn November 5, these five presidents were elected president of the United States (One in 1872, one in 1912, one in 1940, one in 1968, and one in 1996 )
5). This famous Jewish musician (part of a famous musical duo), who once recorded under the stage name Tom, was born on November 5, 1941
6). November 5, 1955 is the day that this film character returns to in Back to the Future
7). This musical, featuring famous storybook characters like “Little Red Riding hood”, “Cinderella”, and “Jack” was released on November 5, 1987 (name the musical and the person who wrote the music)
8). In honor of the 400th Anniversary of Guy Fawkes night, this movie (based on a graphic novel) was released in 2006 (although it was delayed off the November 5th intended release date)
9). žThe Chang’e, this country’s first lunar satellite, entered orbit around the moon on November 5, 2007
10). žOn November 5, 2018, this NASA probe became the 2nd man-made object to leave the Solar System and enter the Interstellar Medium

Answers: 1). Tycho Brahe 2). The House of Lords 3). Massachusetts Bay Colony 4). Ulysses S. Grant (1872); Woodrow Wilson (1912); Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1940); Richard Nixon (1968); Bill Clinton (1996) 5). Art Garfunkel 6). Marty McFly 7). Into the Woods – Stephen Sondheim 8). V for Vendetta 9). China 10). Voyager 2

Round 4: Things I am Thankful For

1). žAstronomy: Last week, this type of event was visible in Shanghai?
2). žHealth: This type of booster shot has been released by Pfizer and modern to protect against both the original and Omicron strains of Covid-19
3). žFamily: Although I haven’t seen my family in three years, I’m grateful for this apple application that makes it easy for me to video chat with them
4). žFood: That I know no longer have to eat this long stalky Chinese vegetable, with leaves on the end that was commonly provided to me during the lockdown.
5). žCats: Cats don’t have thumbs, instead they have this type of nail/claw on the inside of the leg 
6). žTV: That Netflix renewed this show, based on a comic book series by Neil Gaiman, for a 2nd season
7). žSports: That this tennis player won his record setting 21st (and later 22nd) grand slam in 2022 when he came back from a 2 sets to love deficit to defeat Daniil Medvedev at the Australian Open
8). žBooks: That this author of The Road is releasing two new novels, The Passenger and Stella Maris, the first since 2006.
9). žPolitics: That thanks to John Fetterman flipping the senate seat from this US State, the Democrats were able to maintain control over the Senate.
10). žMovies: That this actor was announced to be returning as Superman following his cameo in Black Adam? 

Answers: 1). Lunar Eclipse (Blood Moon) 2). Bivalent 3). FaceTime 4). Celtuse/Woju 5). Dew Claw 6). The Sandman 7). Rafael Nadal 8). Cormac McCarthy 9). Pennsylvania 10). Henry Cavill

Round 5: Connections

1). žMovies: That this actor was announced to be returning as Superman following his cameo in Black Adam? 
2). žName this American rock band from Nashville, Tennessee composed of brothers Caleb, Nathan, and Jared Followill, and their cousin Matthew Followill, who’s hit songs include Sex on Fire and Use Somebody?
3). žName this long running food network program about the baking artistry of Duff Goldman and his band of friends/co-workers originally set in Baltimore, Md.
4). žName this author of books including The Game, White Fang, and Call of the Wild?
5). žName this American comedian and former cast member of Saturday Night Live, who’s notable works include The Emperor’s New Groove, Joe Dirt, Rules of Engagement, The Benchwarmers, and Hotel Transylvania
6). žName this singer, whose most popular song is played during the 8th inning of every home game at Fenway park for the Boston Red Sox.
7). žName this popular video game, first released in 2002, which was done in collaboration between Disney and Square Enix?
8). žName this American rapper and Actress whose debut album was All Hail the Queen and later appeared in tv shows/films including The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Ice Age, Hustle, and The Equalizer (reboot).
9). žName this comic book character played or voiced by actors including Mark Hamill, Jared Leto, and most recently Barry Keoghan.
10). What is the Connection?

Answers: 1). The Cavern Club 2). Kings of Leon 3). Ace of Cakes 4). Jack London 5). David Spade 6). Neil Diamond 7). Kingdom Hearts 8). Queen Latifah 9). The Joker 10). All parts of a deck of cards
