Health Update and a Tour of Xiaonanmen

Thank you so much for following me during my adventures in Shanghai! I hope you are enjoying my adventures.

If you haven’t, please subscribe and let me know! To subscribe, enter your name and e-mail on the right side of the page. Once subscribed, you’ll receive an e-mail with each new post. If you have any questions about my life in Shanghai, let me know. Instructions are on the “To Comment” page. Also, feel free to share this blog with anyone else who may be interested in my life in China.

Now, onto this week’s adventure!

Life in Shanghai

As I’m sure all of you are aware, the beginning of the lunar new year holiday corresponded with an an outbreak of a new strand of the coronavirus here in China. The center of the outbreak is in Wuhan (closer to central China). I want to start this entry be assuring you all that I am safe and healthy. My parents have told me that many of you have been concerned about me and asked them for an update. I really appreciate that so many of you thought of me, so I wanted to take the time to reassure you that I’m fine. Wuhan is ~ 500 miles from Shanghai, so Shanghai is not locked down like Wuhan is. However, in an effort to eliminate the spread of the virus much of the city is shutdown. Many museums, public parks, and entertainment spaces are closed. Schools are also closed until the 17th (which corresponds to when the Spring semester at SJTU begins). There have been many safety recommendations, such as 1). If one is sick, go to the hospital, 2). If you visited Wuhan please check with health authorities, 3). Wear masks in public, 4). Wash your hands frequently (this is the really important one), the CDC recommends this as the best way to prevent the spread of the disease (and as I’ve seen with many of my colleagues, soap is not always used here), and 5). Avoid wild animals (both in terms of eating and interacting with).

As many of you know, during Lunar New Year, many people travel throughout China and abroad. My main concern is that following the Lunar New Year holiday, which ends on Thursday, there will be an influx of people entering Shanghai, some of which who may have been exposed to the virus. For that reason, I’m making sure to take safety precautions. For me, this includes frequently washing my hands (after being outside) and wearing a mask when outside (albeit not when I go running). The CDC also notes that masks aren’t really entirely effective at preventing spreading the disease. While I personally wish the mask could be a little more comfortable (it started to hurt my ears after a while), I was glad that it at least didn’t fog up my glasses. I’ve ordered more masks (in black), which should be delivered after the new year. Hopefully they won’t be necessary, but best to be safe. If you have any concerns or health tips for me, please let me know!

In terms of the rest of the week, it was a pretty weird week. I went to the office on Monday and Tuesday. However, I was the only person in the office, which was really weird. While I don’t mind having a full office to myself, it wasn’t that enjoyable to realize that there was almost nobody else (except the janitorial staff) in the building. So, starting on Wednesday, I began working from home. I’m going to be doing this for all of next week as well. This was a decision I made not as a health concern, but primarily so I could avoid my hour commute to sit in an empty building. However, once the University reopens, I’ll determine (based on the advice of Prof. Zu) whether it’s safe (health wise) for me to return to the office.

The benefit of working from home is that I was able to be a little bit more productive with my time. I made some notable progress on my research on the Luminosity Function and am quite close to correctly reproducing the first (of two) figures from a prior work. I also have some exciting results from my research (based on my conversation with Song Huang) that I’m planning to start writing up this week! So, maybe I’ll be submitting a new paper in the next month!

While working from home has been nice, in terms of my productivity, it has also allowed me to watch a lot of tennis! As many of you know, I love watching tennis and am a diehard Rafael Nadal fan. The Australian Open started this past week and unlike the experience for those of you living in the US, the tennis happens between 8am – 7pm, so I can watch it throughout the day! This is the first sports experience that I’ve had where it’s much better being in Shanghai than the USA. I look forward to watching more of Rafa’s matches next week as well!

In addition to watching lots of tennis, I was also able to go for two runs this week, despite the somewhat lousy weather (in the 40s, but lots of rain). I did a 4.6 mile run on Thursday and a 5.1 mile run on Friday! Even with the virus scare, I think it’s important to exercise and maintain my own fitness.

In the little time that I spent outside of my apartment this week, I did see lots of cool Lunar New Year decorations! It’s really cool how the city has been decorated.

Additionally, I noticed that some of the translations referred to it as the year of the mouse, so the rats may be cute because rats and mice aren’t differentiated in Chinese culture like they are in the US.

There was also an awesome interactive art exhibit set up in Xintiandi (near where I live) called the Airship Orchestra! It is inflatable sculptures, some of which kind of look like rats, with music playing inside!

Additionally, I saw a lot of fascinating sculptures, advertisements, and decorations throughout the city! It amazes me how decorative Shanghai is. I love that even though I’ve lived here for 4 months, there are still so many new things for me to see when I walk around the city!

One thing I do want to mention is that unlike what everyone told me, Shanghai is not completely shut down during the Lunar New Year Holiday. While I did have to order my groceries to arrive on Thursday, the local fruit store and local convenience stores (Family Mart and Lawsons) were open. Many of the stores in the local mall were also open on Sunday. So, while the city empties out, everything isn’t closed for the week.

Since many of the museums that I want to visit where shut down, this week, on Sunday, I joined the Historic Shanghai group for another walking tour, this time of the Xiaonanmen district of Shanghai. This is an area ~ 2 miles from where I live that is located on the outer boarder of the old walled city of Shanghai that is near the Yangtze River (the bund area). This is another older district of Shanghai that is in the process of undergoing urban renewal. However, there are still tons of beautiful older buildings and architectural landmarks, some of which will hopefully be restored.

The Tour began by visiting an old fire tower, that was built at the beginning of the 20th century. Then we proceeded to take a long walk weaving down alleyways to different streets and lane neighborhoods. As you can tell by these photos, these houses were built at a time to showcase a combination of Chinese and European styles with some Art Deco influences thrown in as well! These buildings were mostly built between the beginning of the 20th century and the 1930s.

We also visited a home that Albert Einstein visited and dined at when he visited Shanghai in the 1920s! I didn’t realize Einstein had ever been to Shanghai, so this was quite a treat to learn! This was the estate of a wealthy family that was later abandoned and occupied by the family’s servants during the cultural revolution.

The tour ended by visiting an old 16th century estate and library! While the compound is now unfortunately in disrepair due to a disagreement between the family who owns the home (and has since 1880) and the Shanghai government, it is still a beautiful building. I hope that one day it can be repaired to its original majesty.

Despite the wet weather conditions, I really enjoyed the tour of Xiaonanmen. It’s really interesting to see all of these old neighborhoods, especially since in a few years many of them will likely be gone or completely transformed (as is the case with Xintiandi, the neighborhood where I live).

Due to the Lunar New Year holiday and the virus I didn’t have any culinary or Jewish adventures this week. Hopefully those will resume in the coming weeks.

While not as fun as some of my other weeks, I hope that you are comforted by my explanation of what’s been happening here in Shanghai (with respect to the coronavirus). Hopefully a cure will be discovered soon and life can return to a semblance of normalcy. Additionally, I hope that you also enjoyed seeing some of my photos from my tour of Xiaonanmen as well! This upcoming week will be relatively quiet. I’ll be working from home so hopefully I’ll make more research progress. I look forward to sharing my upcoming adventures with you all! If you have any questions/comments about Shanghai, let me know!

In peace,

A Chinese New Year Celebration and a Second Visit to the Jing’an Temple

Thank you for following along with my adventures in Shanghai! I hope you’ve been enjoying experiencing this amazing city with me!

If you haven’t, please subscribe and let me know what you’ve been enjoying! To subscribe, enter your name and e-mail on the right side of the page. Once subscribed, you’ll receive an e-mail with each new post. If you have any questions about my life in Shanghai, let me know. Instructions are on the “To Comment” page.

Now, onto this week’s adventure!

Life in Shanghai

The fall semester here at SJTU officially wrapped up last week. However, this really doesn’t change much in terms of my day-to-day activities. The only thing that’s really changed is that the SJTU campus has emptied out and the Astronomy department for all intensive purposes is empty (and will likely remain that way until after the Lunar New Year Holiday, which ends on 1/30). For me, in terms of my research and productivity, last week was a normal week (except for the Departmental Chinese New Year Celebration and end of the semester meeting in the Zu research group). I’m still making progress on my Luminosity Function research as well as making fast progress on looking at how the cluster Stellar Mass – Halo Mass relation is impacted by the incorporation of satellite galaxies. So, I’m aiming to make headway on these results over the next two weeks while the university is on break.

Last week, the Astronomy and Physics Departments held a joint Chinese New Year party/performance! This was a surprise to me. I found out about the party 5 minutes before it started. 🙂 The party featured different department members playing games, singing traditional Chinese songs, dancing, and giving speeches. A woman also played the Pipa, the Chinese Guitar, which was really cool to see/hear. My friend and fellow postdoc, Haojie, told me that she was playing a song that was hundreds of years old!

Unfortunately for me, the majority of these were in Mandarin, so I couldn’t follow much. However, that didn’t prevent me from participating in the games!

Thanks to Haojie, you can see me play a game where I had a box of ping pong balls strapped to my waist and had to jump and dance around to get them out. As you can see, I was a good sport and had fun, while still making a little bit of a fool out of myself. Even though I didn’t win, it was a fun, yet bizarre experience! 🙂

Throughout the celebration, the department was giving away red packets on WeChat. This was done by posting the packet on the WeChat group and giving the packet to the first 10-20 people who clicked on the packet. These were small monetary gifts (< $10). I won ~ $4. Additionally, every attendee was given a bag of snacks as well as a blanket, which was a gift from the union (that represents the faculty and staff).

For my adventure this week, I returned for a second visit to the Jing’an Temple. I wanted to see how a Buddhist temple is decorated for the Lunar New Year Holiday.

The primary decorations are the beautiful red lanterns, which adorn the temple ceilings as well as the beautiful flowers

For those of you who missed some of my early posts, the Jing’an temple has amazing statues of different Buddhist deities and aspects/depictions of the Buddha.

As you can tell from these photos, the architecture and aesthetic of Jing’an temple are breathtaking! There’s so many little intricacies and details of the sculptures and the temple that I didn’t notice on my first visit!

I want to emphasize (as done in previous posts) that this is an active temple. There were a lot of people making offerings, praying, and burning incense at each statue. However, out of respect for their privacy, I tried not to take photos of them while they were praying.

Unsurprisingly, there are tons of Chinese New Years decorations up all over Shanghai! Since the Jing’an temple is located closer to the center of the city, I saw some of the coolest decorations there!

You can see that the decorations stretch along the entire length of this mall!

There were also a lot of cute smaller decorations!

In addition to the decorations, outside Jing’an temple, I saw a street musician, playing the guitar. Unlike big cities in the US and Europe, I haven’t seen any street musicians in Shanghai. He was playing a mix of Chinese songs and English songs. He played Bob Dylan’s the Times they are a Changin’ while I was there. One difference is that unlike in the US, where everyone gives coins or paper money, he had a sign set up with his QR code so you could scan and give him money via WeChat or Alipay! So everything is done digitally here!

In addition to the decorations I saw near Jing’an Temple, I also found Chinese New Year decorations in the areas and shopping malls near where I live.

While much of the decorations and advertisements that I saw this week in Shanghai were centered around the Lunar New Year, there were still a lot of other cool sculptures and advertisements that I saw as well!

While all of those were very cool. My two favorites this week made me realize that Shanghai isn’t so different from the US. The first was an add for the NBA, which featured different NBA players interacting with Chinese fans and wishing them a Happy Chinese (Lunar) New Year. To my surprise, as I walked down to the Xintiandi metro Monday morning, I was met with the smiling face of Utah Jazz star Donovan Mitchell! As an diehard Jazz fan, this was an excellent way to start the day!

The second advertisement that I saw on my daily commute featured Wonder Woman star, Gal Gadot! It’s always nice to see ads where I recognize the people in them, especially when it’s some of my favorite celebrities!

While most of what I see on a daily basis is completely foreign to me, it’s nice being reminded that even though I’m not able to communicate well with the people here in Shanghai, they have some of the same interests as me. 🙂

Food in Shanghai

This week, I tried another vegan/vegetarian restaurant. On Saturday, I got lunch with one of my friends near Jing’an temple. We went to a cafeteria, located behind the temple that only serves vegetarian food! I got tofu, bok choy, peanuts, rice, and vegetable soup. We also got vegetable bao buns, broccoli, and mushrooms! If the food at the SJTU cafeteria was this good, I would definitely still be eating there

On Saturday, I got tons of dried fruits and nuts from a local vendor shown on the right. I got dried apricots, two kinds of raisins, and almonds!

While I haven’t shared photos of these kind of vendors before, I’ve seen a lot of vendors selling different fruits, meats, and vegetables, but this was the first I’ve seen selling dried fruits and nuts, which reminded me a lot of buying some of these same things in markets in Israel!

Jewish Life in Shanghai

This week I had a lot of interactions within the Jewish community. On Friday, I joined Kehilat Shanghai for a lovely Shabbat service. I particularly enjoy observing Shabbat since it adds a nice sense of calm to my week, so I’m really glad that I’m able to observe Shabbat so frequently, here in Shanghai.

On Sunday morning, I taught the students of Kehilat Shanghai’s Sunday School (ages 5-12) about the phases of the moon and lunar calendars, as they spent the day learning about New Year’s celebration. So, unlike my past experiences teaching them, I actually got to use my skills as an Astronomer. 🙂 The students were learning about lunar calendars since the Chinese and Jewish calendars are both are solar-lunar calendars. It was a lot of fun getting to interact with the kids and some of their parents. However, I think the highlight of the activity was having the kids make the phases of the moon out of oreos!

On Sunday evening, I joined Moishe House for a Bagel dinner (or Brinner). To contribute I made vegan oatmeal raisin cookies, which were a huge hit! As I’ve said before, It’s been really great having the Moishe House and Kehilat Shanghai communities as ways for me to meet people and make new friends here!

I hope you enjoyed learning about my visit to the Jing’an temple and my Chinese New Year celebrations! This week will be relatively quiet. I’m told that Shanghai shuts down around the Lunar New Year. So, since I’m staying in town, I’ll likely be working from home will definitely be trying to get in a few extra runs! I look forward to sharing my upcoming adventures with you all! If you have any questions/comments about Shanghai, let me know! Also, if you are observing the Lunar New Year, I hope that you have a wonderful holiday!

In peace,

The Shikumen Wulixiang Museum

Thanks for joining me for on my Shanghai adventures! I hope you enjoy this entry and virtual visit to Shanghai!

If you haven’t, please subscribe and tell me what you enjoyed seeing and learning about! To subscribe, enter your name and e-mail on the right side of the page. Once subscribed, you’ll receive an e-mail with each new post. If you have any questions about anything I’ve posted, let me know. Instructions are on the “To Comment” page.

Now, onto this week’s adventure!

Life in Shanghai

The first full week of 2020 was a relatively productive week for me. I’m still working at getting the prior Luminosity function measurements reproduced. So, I haven’t made tons of progress on that project yet. In more positive news, this week, Dr. Song Huang, who I’ve previously met and whose research overlaps quite nicely with mine, visited SJTU and the T.D. Lee Institute (located on campus). On Friday, I met with Song, and now have a few new research ideas to explore, which is exciting! Although, I think I have more ideas than I actually have time for, but that’s a good problem to have. 🙂 Additionally, this week, I started to notice how the semester is wrapping up, since some of the graduate students and postdocs have started to leave to go home for the Lunar New Year holiday (which starts on the 24th).

The weather was weird this week. It was ~ 70 on Monday and Tuesday, but then I think we transitioned to a somewhat normal winter in Shanghai. This means that the highs are in the mid to upper 40s, with lows in the 30s. However, instead of snow, we get lots of rain (it’s not heavy, but it happens often). So far it hasn’t been below freezing. However, I was stunned on Sunday morning when I woke up and realized that it was about 20 degrees warmer in Boston and Saratoga than it was in Shanghai! I think that this might be the first time that this has happened while I’ve been here.

However, despite the cooler and wetter weather. I still went for a 4.5 mile run on Sunday afternoon and did a lot of walking. As usual I saw lots of interesting buildings, signs, statues, and pieces of art!

On Sunday, I also saw an adorable Greyhound, which brought back fond memories of visiting my cousin Margaret and her family in Ann Arbor and getting greeted by her to two Greyhounds. While I know her Greyhounds would wear jackets, when it was cold, I’m not sure I had ever seen one wearing pants before!

In addition, I saw a lot more decorations for the Chinese Lunar New Year!

As you can tell, it is the year of the rat (though often depicted as the much cuter mouse). These decorations are everywhere from major shopping centers to local convenience stores. The primary recurrent decorations are the red lanterns, which are hung on tons of buildings!

For this weeks adventure, I visited the Shanghai Shikumen Wulixiang Museum located in Xintiandi (where I live). It’s a family’s traditional Shikumen lane house that has been converted into a museum that preserves the culture and style of the family who lived there in the 1920s and 30s. I believe that all of the items on display and photographs in the museum belonged to the family. As soon as I arrived, I realized that this is one place I’ll definitely have to bring my Mom when she visits since it reminded me of visiting different antique shops with my parents when I was growing up.

The home was divided into 3 floors. The first floor featured the courtyard/entrance way, the welcome room, the father’s study, the grandparents bedroom, and the kitchen.

I think my favorite thing on this floor (and possibly in the museum) was the grandparents bedroom. Even though this bed is probably too small to fit me, I think we can all agree that it is a luxurious bed!

On the small second floor, was the Tingzijian bedroom. These were small bedrooms that were rented out by Chinese families to earn extra income, and in the 1920s and 30s were rented by Progressive writers.

On the third floor, was the parent’s bedroom, the son’s bedroom, and the daughter’s bedroom.

As you can see, this is a rather ornate house, with both fine pieces of furniture and decorations. The guided tour (done via WeChat) described this family as upper middle class. The father worked for a foreign company, which likely explains some of the foreign influences you see in the possessions found in the different rooms.

I was also really impressed by the different pieces of art hung on the walls as well as some of the pieces of china!

Interestingly, the museum also featured some works by a local Chinese comic artist that highlighted life during the Shikumen period.

In these pieces you can see the bustling and active streets that characterized this time in Shanghai’s history.

Overall, I really enjoyed my visit to the Shikumen museum. To me, it was like stepping back in time. If you’re at all interested in Shanghai’s history, it’s definitely worth a visit!

Food in Shanghai

In terms of food, I’ve now switched to cooking most of my meals. I’m making my own breakfast, lunch, and dinner most days, so I’m definitely eating healthier and feel better. The main difference is that I’ve switched out fried and oily foods at lunch for salads.

Despite these switches, I still had food from a lot of different cuisines this week!

On Wednesday, I went to an Indian restaurant with my friend Julia. We enjoyed samosas, naan, vegetable kofta, chaana masala, and aloo gobi. The food reminded me a lot of the Indian food I enjoy at Little India in Saratoga, just spicier.

On Saturday, I went to a Malaysian restaurant for lunch, where I got Vietnamese Spring rolls and a Malaysian yellow curry with tofu, carrots, mushrooms, beet croquettes, eggplant, and Brussels sprouts!

Additionally, the Malaysian restaurant sold boxes of vegan Quinoa hot chocolate which I got for myself! Once I try it, I’ll report back and let you know how it is. 🙂

To end the weekend, I got tea/coffee with my friend Ilan and had a delicious raspberry cake! For those of you keeping track, this is another European style desert. I still haven’t had a really Chinese desert yet.

Jewish Life in Shanghai

This week, I went to quite a few Jewish events. On Tuesday evening, Moishe House hosted an improv game night. I had fun trying different improv games, which I probably hadn’t played since summer camp. Then, for Shabbat, I again joined Moishe House for their Monthly Shabbat, which was lovely. I even helped prep some of the dinner that was made! Shabbat was a great opportunity to hang out, chat, and catch up with a lot of the people that I’ve met and become friends with by attending their events.

Probably the most significant thing that happened this week was that I was asked to join and accepted a position on the board of Kehilat Shanghai! As part of my position, I’ll be serving on the Shabbat and Jewish Rituals committee. On Sunday, Kehilat had there annual members meeting, where I was officially announced as a new board member. Sunday’s meeting also provided me an excellent opportunity to learn about all of the ways that Kehilat has grown over the past year as well as learn the goals for 2020. As I’ve stated in prior posts and you can likely tell, Kehilat Shanghai has been a huge part of making me feel comfortable and at home here in Shanghai. So, I’m excited to be more involved and give back to this community!

I hope you enjoyed learning about my visit to the Shikumen Museum as well as seeing my delicious food pictures and learning about me joining the Kehilat Shanghai board! This week should be a fairly normal research week, likely the last normal week for a while, since Chinese New Year is the following week. I look forward to sharing my upcoming adventures with you all! If you have any questions/comments about Shanghai, let me know!

In peace,

The Shanghai Museum of Science and Technology

Thank you for joining me for on my latest adventures in Shanghai! I hope you enjoy reading about it as much as I enjoyed doing it!

If you haven’t, please subscribe and tell me what you’ve been enjoying! To subscribe, enter your name and e-mail on the right side of the page. Once subscribed, you’ll receive an e-mail with each new post. If you’re curious about anything I’ve posted, let me know. Instructions are on the “To Comment” page.

Now, onto this week’s adventure!

Life in Shanghai

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2020. As I correctly predicted in my last entry, I got here first and have been enjoying the start of this new decade. Since New Years Day is a Holiday in China, I got Wednesday off from work. Since I haven’t had any vacations since I arrived in Shanghai, it was nice having the day off and getting to rest, relax, and of course go for a run!

In terms of Astronomy, I’m starting to make more progress on my measurements of the Luminosity Function. I’m still in the stage where I’m attempting to reproduce a prior result, but it feels like I’m closer to getting the infrastructure complete (at least in terms of the computer code that I’ll be using) so that I can start taking my own measurements in the near future.

Additionally, as I previously noted , the academic semester at SJTU is starting to wind down. The students had some finals last week and more this week. So, the campus (and department) will start to empty out for vacation (although I’ll still be here for most of it). I’ve also continued to sense the coming Lunar New Year (Chinese New Year), as I’ve seen more decorations appear around Shanghai. If you can’t tell, it’s the Year of the Rat!

For this week’s adventure, I visited the Shanghai Museum of Science and Technology. This is a humongous Museum! Gigantic museums are definitely a theme I’ve noticed in China. Almost all the museums are massive!

In addition to the impressive size of the museum, there was also a cool Chinese dragon sculpture on display in the front of the museum. This one shows dragons supporting the globe! It was amazing to look at.

In total, I spent 2.5 hours visiting the Museum and saw about 1/3 of the museum or 4 exhibits. I saw the exhibits on the history of space travel, modern breakthroughs in science (quantum theory, relativity, and genetics), robots, and information technology. There are also exhibits on earth sciences, health and the human body, and animals. Overall, this museum reminded me a lot of the visiting the Smithsonian and the exhibits I went to reminded me of visiting the air and space museum with my grandparents and family in Washington D.C. when I was younger.

Given that I’m an Astronomer, it’s not surprising that I gravitated toward the exhibit on the history of space travel. 🙂 The museum had different scale models of Chinese, American, and Russian satellites and space shuttles as well as descriptions of when they were used and their design specs.

There was also a models illustrating the different orbits satellites use as well as a Chinese Astronaut’s space suit. I was particularly impressed that there was information explaining the Newton’s and Kepler’s laws! A fundamental part of my own Astrophysical studies.

A Zero Gravity Simulator!

The main difference between this museum and those I’ve been to in the US were that the museum was very interactive!

This exhibit had two features. The first was a zero gravity simulator, where you were strapped down and then rotated upside down and in helix patters to simulate what it would be like in space. While not me in the picture, I went on this! It was somewhat like being on a tiny roller coaster except every time I went upside down, I could really feel gravity pulling down on me. Afterwards I was quite disoriented. This activity reminded me a lot of an exhibit at the Buffalo Science museum that my grandparents took me to that featured a human gyroscope. Although at the time, I’m pretty sure I was too afraid to let myself go upside down.

There was also another interactive exhibit to demonstrate centrifugal force. In this activity, people shot nerf balls at a target while the station was rotating. This activity was a lot of fun and demonstrated how rotation impacts your frame of reference!

After spending an hour learning about the history of space travel, I went to the exhibit on scientific breakthroughs such as Einstein’s theory of relativity, quantum mechanics, and genetic. They had different models of DNA structure as well as a ton of different models of experiments I remember learning about in my college physics classes.

While the museum emphasized that much of the breakthroughs were made by western scientists, they also highlighted the different contributions that Chinese scientists made to some of these discoveries.

My second favorite part of the museum was the exhibit on robots! This exhibit was super interactive! There was all kinds of information explaining how there are different types of robots from those that function of individual command programs to complex artificial intelligences.

They had robots that were dancing, solving rubix cubes, doing archery, drawing, playing go, and playing the piano!

As part of this exhibit, I got the chance to challenge a robot in archery. Unsurprisingly, I didn’t do very well. Maybe my friend Alex could have beaten the Robots, but not me. Although I’m not sure better technique would help me. It was a great fun to get to try archery, though.

The last exhibit I visited was on the rise of information technology. This exhibit highlighted advancements in computers and the digital world as well as how computers work as well, the science behind programming pattern recognition (one of my best research skills), and how computer chips are made.

Overall, visiting the Museum of Science and Technology was a lot of fun! I’ll definitely be back to visit and see the rest of the exhibits the museum offers!

In addition to visiting the Museum this week, I also went running twice. I did a 5.8 mile run on New Years Day and a 5.1 mile run on Sunday. It’s been pretty warm here, mostly in the mid 50s – upper 40s. However, Monday and Tuesday of this week will be in the 70s! So, I’m not sure I’m going to get much of a winter here, which despite getting to run, makes me sad, since I do miss seeing snow.

This week, I also saw a ton of cool advertisements and sculptures during my walks and runs around Shanghai!

There was also this really cool constellation design on the floor of the subway. I couldn’t quite figure out why it was there, but I enjoyed looking at it during my ride home!

Food in Shanghai

For those of you wondering, I’m still doing a lot of cooking here. I’ve just switched to bringing my lunch instead of eating at the SJTU cafeteria (I was getting really tired of the same fried tofu and steamed veggies every day, which sounds much better than it actually is).

However, I’m still exploring different vegan/vegetarian restaurants to try new foods!

This week I had a fantastic lunch! I had spicy tofu, a noodle soup with tofu, boy choy, and squash, and sweet and sour eggplant! The eggplant was the star! You probably can’t tell, but it was a whole spiralized Japanese eggplant that had been tempura fried!

Jewish Life in Shanghai

After all the Channukkah celebrations, this was a quieter week on the Jewish Life part of my life in Shanghai. I did however, substitute teach for the Kehilat Shanghai Sunday School. I taught the Alef (5-7 year old) class. This week we learned about Mitzvot (good deeds). It was the first time I’ve ever taught students that age, although playing with my cousin Margaret’s sons in Ann Arbor did prepare me for how to deal with them. I had a great time teaching the students and hope that they learned the importance of doing good deeds to help those around them!

I hope you enjoyed experiencing my visit to the Shanghai Museum of Science and Technology! This week will be a normal research week, and possibly the last week of AstroCoffee for the semester. I look forward to sharing my next adventures with you! If you have any questions/comments about life in Shanghai, let me know!

In peace,

Channukkah Celebrations and the Shanghai Propaganda Poster Art Center

Thanks for joining me for this week’s adventures in Shanghai! I hope this post offers you a window into my life here, in Shanghai.

If you haven’t already, please subscribe and let me know what you’ve been enjoying! To subscribe, enter your name and e-mail on the right side of the page. Once subscribed, you’ll receive an e-mail with each new post. If you’re curious about anything I’ve posted, let me know. Instructions are on the “To Comment” page.

Now, on to this week’s adventures!

Life in Shanghai

This week was a normal research week. For those of you in the US (or most of the western world), let that sink in. How many of you worked a full, regular week both this past week and this upcoming week? For me, this has been a somewhat surreal experience. For the first time in my life (this is the first time I haven’t been in school), I worked continuously through the end of December. While it was not weird for me to work on Christmas, it is strange not having this time to rest and recharge. However, we do get January 1st off though.

For those of you who are curious, the Chinese academic calendar is quite different than the traditional semester system in the US. The fall semester is still ongoing. It ends in about two weeks. Then, there is a 5-6 week vacation period for the students, not me, which coincides with Chinese New Year. Thus, the spring semester starts in the spring, in March and ends at the end of June. While I can take a couple weeks off (if I choose to) during the 6 week break, it won’t be a complete break like what happens around the holiday time in the US because I’m involved in international collaborations (DES and DESI), which will be back to there regular telecon and meeting schedule. So, as a postdoc in China, I kind of lose when it comes to having a relaxing winter vacation.

I think that’s enough about my work life. So, to transition, this week, I visited the Shanghai Propaganda Poster Art Center. This is a small gallery located in the heart of downtown Shanghai featuring different propaganda posters that were mostly made between the 1930s and 1970s. There are also some more modern posters as well. I’m including posters that I thought had interesting looking art. So these posters do not reflect my political views or beliefs. The gallery showed posters featuring different political messages, most of which were depicting the rise of Mao and other aspects of Chinese culture during that time period.

However, but not really surprising, there were also posters that showed strong anti-American sentiments as well as support for the black Power movement in the US.

In stark contrast to the purely political posters, there were also posters that supported universal ideas, such as the importance of education and literacy, the chinese goals of dominating the sciences, and the importance of eating vegetables.

While the posters incorporate Chinese characters, the gallery included English titles (and French titles) next to the posters, which allowed me to understand the messages that each poster was trying to convey.

Overall, this was a very interesting museum. Prior to visiting, I hadn’t learned anything about this period of time in China, so I’m glad I got to learn about it via this unique vantage point.

It’s continued to be quite nice here (it was in the mid-upper 50s this weekend), so I went running on both Saturday and Sunday. I did a 5.6 mile run to People’s square on Saturday and a 7.2 mile run to Xujiahui park on Sunday. I’m really enjoying that I can keep running throughout the winter! I definitely plan to keep it up!

Going on these long runs and walking to the Propaganda Art Center also allowed me to see a lot of cool posters, sculptures, street art, and displays.

And yes, for those of you wondering, those are people dancing (there is music) in one of the parks in downtown Shanghai! That happens all the time in different parks.

Food in Shanghai

Due to all the different Channukkah celebrations I attended this week, I didn’t try as many different Chinese dishes. However, I still had an excellent lunch on Saturday! The two dishes I got were 1). braised tofu in a clay pot with different kinds of mushrooms, carrots, baby bok choy, and edamame and 2). vegetarian duck. For those of you unfamiliar, vegetarian duck is made of layers of tofu skins that are then cooked to become crispy on the outside, so it’s just crispy tofu.

Jewish Life in Shanghai

As the title of this entry suggests, I went to a lot of Channukkah celebrations this week! On Tuesday, Moishe House hosted a Channukkah game night, which also featured homemade latkes. I had a lot of fun playing dreidel for some very mediocre gelt. We also played a Channukkah version of the improv game Mafia, where the Mafiosa were replaced by the Assyrians and the Detectives were replaced by the Maccabees, and team Scrabble, which unsurprisingly, I won.

My Channukkah celebrations continued on Friday, when I attended Kehilat Shanghai’s Channukkah Shabbat. It was nice joining together with many of the other Kehilat members to celebrate both Shabbat and Channukkah. I got to catch up with a few different members that I hadn’t seen since Yom Kippur. We had tons of different menorahs as well as delicious sufganiyot (jelly doughnuts) and also falafel (not associated with Channukkah, but still delicious)!

Lastly, to end Channukkah, I joined Kehilat Shanghai once again for their Channukkah party on Sunday night! This celebration was attended by many community members with young children as well as a large contingent of other young professionals in Shanghai. It’s been really interesting meeting so many different people my age and learning about what brought them to Shanghai. It’s a mix of Americans, Israelis, Canadiens, and Europeans (mostly British), many of whom are in Shanghai for either business or teaching. Once again we enjoyed latkes and sufganiyot!

While in the grand scheme of Judaism, Channukkah is a relatively unimportant holiday, it was really nice getting to join together with so many different Jewish communities throughout Shanghai to celebrate! I’m really glad that I’ve found these communities as I’ve gotten more settled here.

In addition to those celebrations, I also marked each night of Channukkah by lighting a menorah in my apartment, which you can see in the slideshow above!

I hope you enjoyed experiencing my visit to the Shanghai Propaganda Poster Art Center and my many Channukkah celebrations! This week will be somewhat normal research week, but with New Years Day off. I look forward to sharing my adventures with you next week/next year/next decade . I hope that everyone has a Happy New Year! If you have any questions/comments about life in Shanghai, let me know!

See you in 2020! I’ll get there first. 🙂

In peace,

The Shanghai Art Museum and Channukkah Celebrations!

Thanks for joining me for another Shanghai adventure! I hope my photos and words make you feel like you’re exploring Shanghai with me!

If you haven’t, please subscribe and let me know what interests you about my life in Shanghai! To subscribe, enter your name and e-mail on the right side of the page. Once subscribed, you’ll receive an e-mail with each new post. If you’re curious about anything I’ve posted, let me know. Instructions are on the “To Comment” page.

Now, on to this week’s adventures!

Life in Shanghai

This week was a normal week of research. AstroCoffee, the 3x per week discussion of recent Astronomy Journal articles, that I organize, has been going very well! The presentations have been good and the attendance has been growing beyond just members of the Zu research group, which is great! We’re now getting a lot more of the postdocs and even some of the other graduate students.

In terms of my actual research, I’ve been spending most of my time focusing on understanding how to measure the Luminosity Function (which, put in simpler terms is a measure of the number of bright galaxies within a galaxy cluster binned in terms of the absolute magnitude, the astronomical measure of brightness) for low-redshift SDSS galaxy groups and clusters. I’ve been making progress on reproducing some of the results from a prior study, which is the first step in successfully measuring this relation myself. I think that’s enough Astronomy for this week, so onto the adventure!

It was a rainy and gray Saturday, so I decided to visit the Shanghai Art Museum in Pudong (located on the other side of the Huangpu river that divides Shanghai). This museum mostly houses modern Chinese art (from 1950 to the present) and has a wide variety works: sculptures, paintings, animation, graphic art, pen and ink works. As you can see, even the outside of the museum looks like a piece of modern art!

This is a massive museum . Despite spending three hours there, I didn’t see the whole museum, so I’ll definitely be back to visit again. For the photo’s I’ve divided the pictures based on the different types of exhibits that I saw.

As a huge fan of comic books, some of my favorite types of art work are graphic pen and ink artwork. Here are some of my favorites. I was particularly impressed by the detailed line work in the two pieces on the sides of the bottom row.

There was also an exhibits highlighting work from the Shanghai Animation and Film Studio, as well as some about Chinese comic books, including some pages from the story of the Monkey King!

The museum has displays of Chinese paper art (which was really cool!) as well as displays of more traditional styles of Chinese paintings featuring landscapes and animal imagery.

The most jaw-dropping exhibit was the animated version of the landscape Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival. This animated version of the traditional Chinese landscape scroll is spread over an entire wall and some of the floor of the uppermost floor of the museum. The animations show people move around and even transitions from day to night (as shown in the last two pictures in the next gallery). This was an amazing and inventive way to use technology to experience such a beautiful piece of traditional Chinese art!

The lower floors of the museum also had exhibits of different modern art sculptures. I love these kinds of sculptures and found them to be fascinating to look at!

One of my favorite pieces was the painting shown on the left. While not as breathtaking as some of the other works I photographed, this one reminded me of the beauty I see in my own Astronomical data!

The only downside of the museum is that all of the descriptions and name placards are in Chinese. However, I still had a great time exploring the museum and wold definitely recommend visiting!

While I clearly saw a lot of amazing artwork at the Shanghai Art museum, I also saw a ton of cool displays and advertisements this week. Downtown Shanghai (especially the commercial areas) are getting ready for Christmas, so there are decorations and trees set up as well. My personal favorite was the giant panda sculptures!

Despite the rainy weather this weekend, I am still running! I did a 4.6 mile run this week. The weather is still warm (at least by my personal standards). It’s been a nice adjustment running in upper 40/low-50 degree weather in December.

Food in Shanghai

For those of you wondering, I am still doing a lot of cooking for myself. Since it’s colder now, I’ve been making soup. However, I also got to try a lot of different vegan foods this week! I’ve had great luck when it comes to food here. I went to dinner on Friday with one of my friends and then out to lunch on Saturday! Everything was delicious. On Friday, I had tempeh for the first time since I moved to Shanghai!

This week, I also had my first vegan desserts in Shanghai! A coffee cream cake and a chocolate mousse bar! It’s great to know I can get excellent vegan desserts here!

I also had to share this picture of these cute panda cookies that I bought!

Jewish Life in Shanghai

Sunday was the first night of Channukkah! Chag Sameach and Happy Channukkah to all who are celebrating! I went to two Channukkah celebrations this week. On Monday, the Moishe House did a pre-Channukkah Breakfast for Dinner (“Brinner”) featuring latkes and sufganiyot (jelly doughnuts). I made homemade applesauce, using my Mom’s recipe! I had a fun time hanging out with friends and making new friends. It’s great being part of that community!

On Sunday, for the first night of Channukkah, I attended the Chabad of Shanghai’s Channukkah celebration. This celebration was held at the Ohel Rachel Synagogue. Ohel Rachel is a beautiful, grand, and large syngogue that was built in 1921. It is currently owned by the Shanghai government, so it can’t be used as a synagogue. However, the government does allow the building to be used a few times per year for different holidays.

The Channukkah celebration featured short remarks from representatives from the US and Israeli consulates as well as remarks from Justice Richard Bernstein of the Michigan Supreme Court, who was visiting Shanghai. As an American, one of the Chabad Rabbi’s introduced me to Justice Bernstein and I got to talk to him a bit about a). having gone to Michigan and b). what I was doing in Shanghai. Given that he’s on the Michigan Supreme Court, I’m curious if my cousin Margaret has ever met him.

In addition to the speeches, there were prayers, some short performances by children, lots of singing, a group menorah lighting, and tons of delicious latkes and doughnuts! While I didn’t know many people at the event, it was a wonderful being able to celebrate the start of Channukkah together!

My celebration of the first night of Channukkah was completed by lighting the menorah in my apartment for the first time!

I hope you enjoyed experiencing my visit to the Shanghai Art Museum and Channukkah celebrations! This week will be another regular research week. I look forward to sharing my adventures with you next week, which will include more Channukkah celebrations! For those of you celebrating either Channukkah or Christmas this week, I hope that you have a wonderful holiday filled with family and friends! If you have and questions/comments, about life in Shanghai, let me know!

Happy Holidays!

In peace,

The Yu Gardens and the Laoximen District (and its History)!

Thanks for joining me on another adventure in Shanghai! I hope my descriptions and photos let you feel like you are here with me! If you haven’t yet, please subscribe and let me know what you think! To subscribe, just enter your name and e-mail on the right side of the page. Once subscribed, you’ll receive an e-mail with each new post. If you’re curious about anything I’ve posted in this or other entries, let me know by commenting. You can find instructions on the “To Comment” page.

Now, on to this week’s adventures!

Life in Shanghai

As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I have a new research project that I’m working on. So, during the week, I returned to my old research habits from graduate school, which means I am either downloading data or running long, time consuming codes. It’s been nice to flex my research muscles by working on my measurement of the low-redshift luminosity function. While I haven’t made any breakthroughs yet, there’s a lot of really interesting questions I am trying to answer about central galaxy assembly!

While my week focused on learning about galaxy assembly, the weekend was spent learning about Shanghai’s history. This weekend I had two adventures. First, I visited the beautiful and scenic Yu Gardens (located about 1.5 miles from where I live) and then on Sunday, I joined the Historic Shanghai group for a tour of the Laoximen district. It was very warm this weekend (mid 60s), so I wanted to take advantage of what may be one of the last warm weekends!

When I visited Shanghai in June, I went to the Yu Gardens. However, by the time I arrived the inside area was closed for the day. While the outside is a beautiful Koi ponds with fountains as well as majestic pagodas, this time, I made sure to see the manicured gardens located within the walls.

These are stunning! I really like being here during the fall/winter, because you can see some of the trees change colors. Now you may be wondering, where is this? The Yu Gardens are not outside of the city; rather they’re located in the center of the Yuyuan shopping district (which was built around the gardens in the old Shanghai style). The Yu Gardens were built as a home for a wealthy family in the mid 1500s. The grounds are meticulously manicured and still look amazing today! Although it’s not a huge complex, the paths snake around so you feel like you’re in a mcuh larger area than you actually are.

In addition to the natural landscape, the Yu Gardens house gorgeous buildings with ornate decorations. There are dozens of lion statues. Here I am grabbing the ball from inside the mouth of one of the lions!

As noted earlier, Yuyuan is surrounded by a shopping district. This is a very popular area with tourists (Chinese and western). You can see the area already decked out for Chinese new year, which is coming up in about 5 weeks. This is the year of the Rat!

I guess just like in the US, where Christmas decorations show up weeks in advance, the same is true for Chinese New Year Decorations!

While in the shopping district, I had to stop in the toy store called Superman toys! They had tons of different anime and comic book figurines. As many of you know I’m a huge fan of both, so I’ll be back once I’ve built up some savings in RMB. I know that both Emmet and my friend Ryan would really enjoy seeing this place! Here are some images of the Dragon Ball Z and My Hero Academia figurines. There were also a ton of One Piece and One Punch Man as well.

In stark contrast to my adventure on Saturday, on Sunday, I joined the Historic Shanghai group for the tour of the Laoximen or Old West Gate district in Shanghai. Patrick and Tina who run Historic Shanghai gave the presentation at Kehilat Shanghai last week about the Jews in Shanghai.

Laoximen is part of the original walled city of Shanghai that was built in the 1500s. Today, the neighborhood consists of buildings that were mostly built during the 1920s. It was built later occupied by the Japanese in the 1930s/40s. This neighborhood is scheduled for urban renewal/renovation (i.e. it’s going to be torn down). So, many of the residents had already left, although some are still holding out for a better deal with the government. I wanted to visit and share this story with you to provide a different view of what the city looks like. Not all of it is as glamorous as what I’ve shown you.

The images show the different kinds of architecture that exist here. While most of it is run down, you can still see European/western features intermixed with Chinese touches, such as the animals (that were symbols of luck or strength), symbols, and writing. Additionally, you can see the layers of brick and cement that cover these buildings, highlighting how this neighborhood evolved.

The characters above us in the group photo depict Maoist slogans that adorned all of the homes during the cultural revolution. Interestingly, I learned that during the cultural revolution, many of the affluent families fled from there homes. These homes were then turned into multi-family apartments owned by the state. Ironically, I think that this is the case for the row house building that I’m living in as well, since the other residents are either families or elderly residents.

Additionally, we also visited a Buddhist convent in Laoximen (which is not slated to be torn down). Prior to my visit, I didn’t even realize there were Buddhist nuns. Being on the tour, I also learned about a lot about Buddhism. During the cultural revolution, religion was outlawed (it no longer is). So, all of the Buddhist monasteries in major cities were shut down and their statues were destroyed. So, everything I’ve seen is rather new. Additionally, I also learned about some of the iconography, described below. For those, like me, who know little about Buddhism, there are public services on the 1st and 15th of each lunar months as well as other holidays/celebrations.

Overall, the tour was a fun way to learn the history of Shanghai. I definitely plan on joining the Historic Shanghai group for other tours of my new home city!

Now, some of you might be wondering, since it was warm, did I go running. Of course! Since it was very warm (and that many not happen for a while), I pushed my self and did 7.25 miles! I definitely am close to my half marathon shape! So, I’ll be keeping my eyes (and WeChat account) posted for races in the spring! During my run, I also ran into one of the undergraduates who works with Prof. Zu at SJTU! This was the first time I’ve run into anyone that I know in Shanghai. Hopefully, as I get to know more people this will occasionally start to happen, albeit this is a megacity with 26+ million people, so who knows.

During all of the tours and adventures, I also saw a ton of cool billboards and advertisements. As you can see, there are amazing things to see everywhere I go!

And yes, as an Astronomer, I had to take a picture of the Astronaut.

Food in Shanghai

After my long run Saturday morning, I treated myself to a lunch with a ton of different seitan options!

The first is a soft stewed seitan with mushrooms and peanuts. The second is a crispy seitan kebab with cumin. The third is a seitan sizzling platter with peppers and broccoli. It’s awesome being able to try so many different kinds of food here! If there’s anything I have yet to try that you think I’m missing or that you’re surprised I haven’t had yet, let me know!

I hope you enjoyed experiencing my visit to the Yu Gardens and Laoximen! This week will be another normal research week. I look forward to sharing my adventures with you next week, which will include some pre-Channukkah and Channukkah activities! If you have and questions/comments, let me know!

In peace,

The Jade Buddha Temple and Tianzifang

Thank you for reading another entry about my life in Shanghai! I hope you’re continuing to enjoy my adventures! If you haven’t already, please subscribe and let me know! To subscribe, all you have to do is enter your name and e-mail on the right side of the page. Once subscribed, you’ll receive an e-mail with each new post. Also, if you’re curious about anything I’ve posted on this or prior entries, let me know by commenting on the blog. You can find instructions on the “To Comment” page.

Now, on to this week’s adventures!

Life in Shanghai!

In terms of Astronomy, this was a fairly normal week. The start of my week featured skype meetings with a few of my DES collaborators in the US, so at times it felt like I spent all day and night working, but at least they weren’t midnight telecons! I also began working on my SJTU project, measuring the Luminosity function of galaxy groups and clusters in the Yang group catalog (which is a low redshift group finder). While I haven’t made tons of progress yet, it’s been an interesting experience jumping in to a new project. This is the first time I’ve done that since I started working with Prof. Chris Miller at Michigan 4.5 years ago.

As many of you know, I try to walk everywhere (~ within 2 miles). So, combined with my daily commute I saw more cool Chinese advertisements, sculptures, and flowers! Maybe its because this is my first experience living in a mega city (other than my summer in NYC), but it’s amazing how there is so much to see around every corner!

This weekend, I visited the popular shopping district of Tianzifang, an arts and crafts area located in the French Concession, about 1 mile from where I live. While my photos don’t show the full hectic nature of Tianzifang, this reminded a lot of the shuk in Jerusalem. It’s a winding pathway of many vendors (including more than 1 of everything) selling different toys, jewelry, silk clothing, tea, food, and artistic works! It was overwhelming. Once I bought gifts for my parents and brother, I had to immediately escape. If I hadn’t, I probably wouldn’t have any money left! 🙂

Once I left Tianzifang, I went to visit the Jade Buddha Temple. So, between this and Tianzifang, I experienced polar opposites within a matter of hours. This is the fourth Buddhist temple I’ve visited in Shanghai. These are active temples with monks who live and pray at the temples. There were many visitors who came to present offerings and make personal prayers to different deities. By visiting so many of these temples, I now recognize a lot of the different Buddhist motifs. As you can see, this temple is located right in the city. You can see skyscrapers peaking out behind the pagodas. It’s a really stark juxtaposition of the new and old.

One of the signature Jade Buddhas.

While each of the temples features similar statues and aesthetics, what makes this temple unique are the two Jade Buddhas. However, I only saw one. I learned about the second, which you have to pay to view and I didn’t see signs for, afterward, so I’ll have to come back for another visit. Additionally, there is a magnificent and beautiful marble reclining Buddha! This was the most breathtaking Buddha that I have seen so far in my time in Shanghai. When I first saw it, I thought that it was pure white. However, once I moved closer, I was able to see all the intricate colors of the gorgeous marble! It also had an ornate box holding it!

For those of you who are interested in my running habits. It’s still warm (at least I think that the 40s and low-50s is warm for December). So, I went for a 4.5 run on Sunday morning. However, next week it will be in the 50s-60s, so I’m already planning at least one long run!

Food in Shanghai!

I’ve continued my exploration of vegan/vegetarian food in Shanghai! Additionally, while at a grocery store, I saw these weird looking soda bottles, with a plastic bottom and aluminum (soda can) lids. Is this a Chinese thing or am I just unaware of new trends?

In terms of food, I tried a delicious dish or seitan with mushrooms and peppers as well as a sweet fruity sauce and a wonton (filled with mushrooms and greens) soup! I still haven’t had a bad meal at any of these restaurants! I’m also amazed by the variety of the food at each restaurant! There’s so many awesome things I still haven’t tried.

Jewish Life in Shanghai!

This weekend featured a lot of different Jewish activities. On Friday, I joined Kehilat Shanghai for Shabbat services and dinner. After services, one of the community members gave a fascinating talk about the history of Jews in Shanghai. Specifically, he focused on the personal stories of three different Jews who grew up in Shanghai. One was from a Sephardic family (who had moved from Iraq to Shanghai in the late 1800s), another was from a Russian Jewish family that escaped the pogroms by fleeing to Shanghai, and the final one came from a family that had fled the Holocaust. Making this more unique, the speaker contacted each of these people to hear their experiences first hand! It was very interesting hearing about these prior waves of Jewish immigrants to Shanghai! This is one area I would love to learn more about during my time here!

In front of the Chabad, which operates as a Kosher restaurant in Shanghai

On Sunday, I went to the Channukkah fair at one of the three Shanghai Chabad houses. This was my first time going to one of the Chabad’s. I found the community to be very welcoming! I met two of the Rabbi’s and some of the community members (many of them came from different parts of New York City). I also was able to pick up Channukkah candles. In Shanghai, the Chabad’s legally operate as Kosher restaurants and stores, so I know where I’ll be going to get matzah for Passover, too!

I then ended Sunday afternoon enjoying the bagel brunch at the Moishe House. Now that I know many of the regular attendees it’s been a really nice seeing familiar faces outside of work and starting to become friends with people from different countries who are working in many different fields!

While each of these Jewish communities offer unique and diverse experiences (there is overlap in attendees). I’m really glad they all exist. It’s been a wonderful way for me to meet people, make friends, and get comfortable in my new home!

I hope you enjoyed experiencing my visit to the Jade Buddha Temple! This should be another normal research work. I look forward to sharing my adventures with you next week! If you have and questions/comments, let me know!

Until next week!

In peace,

Vegan Hot Pot and the Shanghai Natural History Museum!

Thanks so much for reading another entry of my blog! I hope that you’ve been enjoying it! If you haven’t already, please subscribe and let me know! Subscribing helps me know my audience. It’s easy, all you have to do is enter your name and e-mail on the right side of the page. By subscribing, you’ll receive an e-mail after each new post. Also, if you’re interested in anything I’ve posted, let me know by commenting on the blog. You can find instructions on the “To Comment” page.

Now, on to this week’s adventures!

Life in Shanghai

This week was a normal week. I spent most of the week reading papers. The goal was to determine which research avenue to pursue as a postdoc at SJTU. For those Astronomers reading this, I’m going to be analyzing how the Luminosity Function of member galaxies in clusters is impacted by the magnitude gap and possibly redshift. This relates to my dissertation research (via the magnitude gap), while also pushing me in a new direction! I’m excited to start on my first project with my postdoc mentor, Prof. Ying Zu. Additionally, I have a longterm project of determining how the velocity caustic (yay the Chris Miller Research Group!) relates to the Splashback Radius.

That’s enough Astronomy for this week, so on to this week’s adventure!

During my commute and travels, for the first time, I noticed what seemed to be some holiday themed lights. While there’s nothing in China like Thanksgiving to mark the start of the Holiday season, it is been interesting to see holiday decorations start to pop up. However, unlike in the US, there is no doubt that Christmas is purely a commercial, gift giving, holiday here. Since I’m not 100% sure whether these are Christmas lights, I’ll keep my eyes out for them in the spring and let you know!

In addition to the lights, I saw a lot more cool sculptures, flowers, and advertisements during my adventures this weekend!

The Shanghai Natural History Museum.

For my first adventure of the weekend, I visited the Shanghai Natural History Museum! As many of you know, I spent a summer doing Astronomy research at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, during which I made a point of visiting each exhibit in the museum. So, needless to say, I am incredibly fond of these kinds of museums. On a rainy Saturday, I was excited to get lost in the museum!

The museum is located inside the Jing’an Sculpture gardens. On my way to the museum, I briefly visited the gardens. Unfortunately, the rain cut my visit short; however, I’ll definitely come back for another visit, since it’s only 1.5 miles away.

The museum is very big. It has 5 floors full of exhibits on space, dinosaurs, animals, rocks, and the history of China. To visit the museum you work your way down.

The museum starts with an exhibit on the universe and space. As an astronomer, I loved this. I immediately knew I was in the right place when I saw the familiar images of structure formation from the MILLENNIUM simulation, which I use in my own research! The exhibit featured models of telescopes, descriptions and pictures of astronomical objects and events. While I knew all the material presented in the exhibit, I was incredibly impressed by how accessible the exhibit made Astronomy.

Following the Astronomy exhibit was the River of Life, a winding pathway which took you down a level while showcasing models and taxidermy of a wide variety of reptiles, mammals, birds, fish, and even dinosaurs! As you can tell, this area was overrun with children visiting on their days off from school. I really loved the innovative use of the space and how the museum used the River to connect the universe to life on earth! One thing I really liked about these exhibits was that each emphasized which species were native to China.

Following the River of Life, there were more exhibits on the 4th, 3rd, and 2nd floors of dinosaurs and other prehistoric fossils. There were so many fossils! It was like being transported back to AMNH, visiting the dinosaurs during my lunch break!

While it may seem like everything in the museum was dead, that was not the case. There were fish tanks and reptile cages that allowed visitors to see and interact with the species they were learning about! There were even opportunities to pet the animals.

On the third floor, they had a fascinating exhibit on both the species native to Shanghai as well as on the efforts that China and Shanghai are making to protect endangered species and reduce their carbon footprint. While other than the recycling effort, I’m not sure how heavily these policies things are enforced, it made me happy to see them mentioned here.

On the lower level they an amazing display of the African Savannah! While in the exhibit, they shut off the lights and played a video which showed the animals interact, eat, and hunt in their natural habitats. It was a really cool ! There were also great exhibits on unique animal survival methods as well as on a variety of other habitats such as the arctic, tundra, rain forest, and local Chinese mountains where pandas live.

Additionally, on the bottom floor, they had amazing displays highlighting nature’s beauty. Butterflies elaborately displayed as a stained glass window and pine cones made into a Chandelier. It was breathtaking. They also had walls of seashells, which brought back fond memories of searching for shells while visiting my grandparents in Siesta Key, Florida.

The bottom floor also featured exhibits which discussed the history of agriculture. They discussed how rice was cultivated and transplanted around the world. These exhibits lead into others which incorporated Chinese art and clothing to highlight different Chinese cultures. While I’ve learned a lot about these topics at the Shanghai Museum and Shanghai History Museum. There’s still much for me to see and learn!

Overall, I had a fantastic time at the Shanghai Natural History Museum. It was a lovely way to spend a rainy day! While it’s not as big as it’s NYC counterpart, it’s modern touches made the museum a fantastic visit, especially if you’re visiting with children.

While nobody asked for my picture at the museum, I had a much nicer encounter. While in the exhibit for Arctic animals, a young boy (~5-7) with his father came over and said “Hello, nice to meet you.” A few minutes later, he came back and introduced himself and shook my hand. A few minutes after that he came over to say goodbye. I later waved to him when I passed him and his father as they were resting in another part of the museum. It was really nice to be viewed as someone interesting without having to be in a photo!

While most of the weekend was rainy, I still went for a run on Sunday (the rain stopped in the late morning). I did 4.5 miles this week. It’s still warm enough that I can run in shorts, but I had to break out my short tights for the first time. Temperature wise the highs are generally in the mid to low 50s while the lows are in the 30s/40s. I don’t think it’ll get below freezing here for quite a while. So, I should be able to keep running!

Food in Shanghai

My second adventure for the weekend was to try hot pot! I found a Vegan Hot Pot restaurant! For those of you, who like me, are unfamiliar with hot pot, here’s how it works. I was so unfamiliar with the concept that when the food was delivered, I had to quickly search (on Bing) on my phone how to eat a hot pot. 🙂

1). Select your soup base — I chose a fragrant maitake mushroom broth
2). Select your vegetables and proteins to add in — I chose lotus root, cauliflower/broccoli, tofu, and dried tofu noodles. They had a wide range of vegetarian proteins like vegetarian seafood and pork, but some of it looked too realistic for me, so I stuck to tofu.
3). Make your dipping sauce — I made a yummy sesame sauce, my favorite!

The ingredients cooking in the hot pot!

4). Once all the food is delivered, you cook the ingredients in the hot pot from longest to shortest
5). When they’re ready (~5-10 minutes), you take them out of the broth, let them cool, then dip them in the sauce.

This was a fantastically fun and delicious experience. It could only be improved by going back with more people to try more vegetables and proteins. I’ll definitely do this again! Next time I want to try the different kinds of mushrooms, baby corns, vegetable dumplings, and noodles!

Jewish Life in Shanghai

For Shabbat this week, I joined my friend Julia at the Sephardic Community Center for Shabbat dinner. This is an Orthodox environment so services started at sundown (~5:00pm). It was a really interesting experience. During dinner, I heard conversations in Hebrew, Chinese, Spanish, and English. Even though I couldn’t understand what everyone was talking about, the people I spoke with were very friendly and the food was delicious! While I prefer to spend Shabbat with Kehilat Shanghai or Moishe House, it’s nice knowing that there are other welcoming places in Shanghai!

I hope you enjoyed seeing photos from the Natural History Museum and my hot pot adventure! This should be another normal week. I’m hoping to make progress on my DES and SJTU research. I’m sure I’ll find another awesome site to visit next weekend as well! If you have and questions/comments, let me know!

Until next week!

In peace,

The Shanghai History Museum

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Now, onto this week’s adventures!

Life in Shanghai

For the first time in Shanghai, I had a normal week. There was no more paperwork to fill out and no more offices to visit. It was so nice to have a calmer week. The only life update is that I got an air filter. While I haven’t found the air quality to be that bad (only on a few occasions), getting an air filter was highly recommended, so it’s been nice to have that in place. So far, it seems to be working quite well.

In terms of Astronomy, this was a fairly productive week! I finished the initial draft of my DES paper on the Stellar Mass – Halo Mass relation and it’s evolution (part of my dissertation). So, hopefully, my Ph.D. advisor Chris Miller and I will be able to finalize the paper and send it to the collaboration before the year is out. We also ran our second week of AstroCoffee at SJTU. This week, many of the graduate students in the Zu group presented for the first time!

Alhough this was a normal week, I still wanted to do something fun. So, I visited the Shanghai History Museum (located in People’s square).

This museum focused on the history of ancient Shanghai, as well as the more recent history of the city. The second floor featured ancient artifacts (similar to those from the Shanghai Museum).

On the upper two floors, there were paintings, photographs, and historical documents relating to Shanghai’s recent (1900-present) past. Shanghai’s history is fascinating. It’s a city that has gone from being over-run by British, French, and American colonizers to being conquered by the Japanese in WWII, to being a central location in the Communist Revolution, to being one of the largest and economically dominating cities on the planet. The museum offered me a lot of insight into Shanghai’s history. Which, prior to visiting, I really hadn’t learned anything about.

I was surprised to see that there was a display honoring the Jews of Shanghai. Shanghai was one of the only cities in the world that allowed Jews to emigrate during the Holocaust. While the story presented is exagerated (it was mostly one person whose actions allowed this), it is a story that Shanghai is incredibly proud of.

While I was at the museum a group of teenage boys came up to me and asked to take a picture with me. While I’m still not sure whether it’s the fact that I’m a foreigner, American, or just a tall guy with a beard and long hair, this is starting to occur regularly.

One thing I found fascinating was a video exhibit highlighting the new landmarks in Shanghai. Much of what I’ve seen (the Bund, People’s Square, the airport) were built in the last 20 years. So, if you visited Shanghai prior to 2000, you may not recognize the city! Shanghai is constantly changing. Everything is built fast here!

I also had plenty of time to see a lot of interesting buildings and beautiful scenery! Some photos were things I saw on Sunday during my 6.2 mile run (my longest in Shanghai!). It was still warm this weekend, but this upcoming week, it will start to be colder (in the 50s). However, if it doesn’t get too cold, maybe I’ll work my way back into running half marathons again!

There are a lot of cats in Shanghai. I don’t know if these are people’s pets or strays. However, most are friendly and I know people who’ve adopted street cats. However, given my busy lifestyle, I don’t think I’ll be adopting a cat anytime soon (even though I love cats!).

Also, there’s a Tim Hortons in Shanghai! Seeing this near People’s Square brought back fond memories of going to Tim Hortons in Buffalo for lunch when I would visit my grandparents!

Also, as many of you know, I listen to a ton of podcasts, including Marketplace with Kai Ryssdal. This week, they discussed the issues package delivery causes for traffic congestion and the environment. If you’re curious, China may have solved this problem. When you order anything, it is delivered first to a regional delivery hub (by medium size trucks), then taken by electric motor scooter to your apartment. So, it minimizes the traffic for bigger trucks and the carbon footprint because the scooters are electric. Additionally, electric cars are really popular here!

Food in Shanghai

I’ve continued cooking a lot here! This week, I made my Dad’s vegetarian meatballs (which are his grandmother’s recipe from the depression). It’s one of my favorite dishes. I wanted to make something that reminded me of home for the week of Thanksgiving.

I also tried a bunch of different fruits and other food. My colleague Jiaxin brought in raw jackfruit (which is often used as a vegetarian protein). It was very good! Hopefully I’ll be able to get some to eat or make a jackfruit dish soon! I also had a fantastic lunch at one of my favorite vegetarian restaurants!

All the food I’ve had at restaurants has been fantastic! It’s really quite different than the American style Chinese food I’ve been accustomed to in the US.

Jewish Life in Shanghai

This week, I joined the Young Jewish Professionals group at Kehilat Shanghai for Shabbat dinner! While I’d met a few people before at other Kehilat events or at Moishe House, it was really nice getting another opportunity to meet people who are my age. One was working on his Ph.D. Two others work in higher education, helping Chinese students and universities connect with American and Western Universities for study abroad programs and for recruiting Chinese students. It was nice meeting people who are in similar fields to what I work in!

Additionally, I spent Sunday afternoon at the Moishe House’s bagel brunch. I’m really surprised that I can get a good bagel here. It’s been fantastic that I’ve found the Jewish community here to be so friendly and welcoming. Combined with my friends at work (mostly the other postdocs), it’s helped make this transition much easier!

I hope you enjoyed this week’s entry! This should be another relatively normal week. I’m hoping to make more progress figuring out my research plans/goals for my postdoc. To those of you in the US, I hope that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving (I’m still not sure what I’ll be doing to celebrate). If you have and questions or comments, please let me know and subscribe!

Until next week!

In peace,
