Astronomer in Shanghai 2.0

Hi everyone, 

 I hope that you’re all doing well and continuing to stay safe and healthy.  As many of you know, I’ve been in Shanghai now for two academic years, writing weekly blogs.  Thank you so much for following me. However, as my research becomes more time consuming (with some projects wrapping up and others ramping up), I’ve decided going forward, I will be changing the frequency and the format of Astronomer in Shanghai. 

Don’t worry.  Astronomer in Shanghai is not going away.  You’ll still get to see China through my eyes, whether that’s through highlights of museums, delicious foods, fun activities with my friends or within the Jewish community, or photos from my travels and adventures.  I’ll still post plenty of fun pictures, too!  The main difference will be that I’ll write the blog once per month, instead of once a week, to highlight more of the unique and memorable experiences that I’ve had in Shanghai.  I’m currently in the process of figuring out the new format and schedule, but I’ll send an e-mail soon with more details.  

Thank you all so much for following my experiences.  I hope that you’ll continue following along with me on my adventures and journey in China going forward! 

In peace,

15 Replies to “Astronomer in Shanghai 2.0”

  1. I will now look forward to your monthly blogs, which I treasure, Jesse. I appreciate all the time you have put into these weekly blogs, which are so richly informative and visually beautiful and well organized and well written. It has been a great two years of weekly posts, and I thank you. I am pleased that you will continue to showcase the amazing sights of Shanghai including the flowers and sculptures and museums and food, and, of course, the cats you meet on your travels. Hope that China will allow us to visit you in 2022.

    Here is to Shanghai 2.0!


    1. Thanks Mom! I really appreciate hearing that. I’m glad to hear how much you’ve been enjoying them. I hope that you can come visit in 2022 as well!

  2. Hi Jesse,
    I’m glad the blog isn’t going away! I’ll miss reading them every Sunday, but I look forward to your new format. I’ve really enjoyed seeing Shanghai through your eyes, so I’m glad that that will continue. I hope that the next month is a fun and productive one and that you continue to stay safe and healthy!

    1. Thanks Emmet! I look forward to actually showing you some of my favorite parts of Shanghai in the near future. I hope you also have a productive, safe, and healthy month.

  3. Hi Jesse,
    Now that life is opening up (for us all), and you can meet with your colleagues and immerse yourself in your work, this makes good sense. You have a full life – enjoy each moment! Whatever you share with us will be a special gift.

  4. Hi Jesse!
    Thanks for the guided tours!
    I’ll look forward to your new monthly format!
    By the way have you seen the show Lupin on Netflix? I think you will like it!
    Just finished the second/only 5 episodes…!

    Since the weather is warm, is there any pools to go swimming in?

    Have a great day!

    1. Thanks Aunt Pam! I have heard of Lupin. I haven’t watched it yet, but it’s on my list of shows to watch! 🙂 There are some public pools, but a lot of them are pretty expensive (or at fancy hotels), so I haven’t been to any yet.

  5. Will certainly miss your weekly blogs but looking forward to the new format and new frequency. Weekly blogs must take an enormous amount of your time.
    Hope you can still get some good running in despite the heat and humidity. I am able to cycle 12 miles day in the state park, but I generally try to go at 6 in the morning – fewer people to avoid though sections of my route face due east and it’s a challenge to ride into the sun while still trying to avoid people walking
    Stay safe and stay well.

    1. Thanks Bernard! I’m glad to hear that. I have really enjoyed writing the blogs, but you’re right, it does take me a lot of time to right them each week. So, my hope is that a monthly format will allow me a little more flexibility in when I write parts of it, so I’m not sitting down for 2 hours at a time to write. Glad to hear your still able to cycle! I’m going to try to periodically run, but it’s tough when it’s already brutally hot and humid when I wake up. Hope you continue to stay safe and healthy as well!

  6. Hi Jesse,
    I am also glad your blog isn’t disappearing! I have learned so much about life in Shanghai from you and will look forward to your monthly posts and photos!
    Be well!

  7. Hi Jesse,

    Good to hear from you and I hope all is well! I definitely understand research becoming time-consuming – I’ve been doing ~12 hour work days recently. Although it’s kinda nice to just have one thing to worry about since there’s not time to worry about other stuff 🙂

    Good luck with your work this week!

    1. Hi Ryan! Thanks. I remember how busy writing my dissertation was, so I hope that process is going well for you. I totally agree about it being nice to just have one project. Sometimes having so many projects can make it hard to take a break. Good luck with your dissertation writing!

  8. Jesse, Your blog was so uplifting during the pandemic, I really looked forward to it. Thank you for taking time to share your experiences. Good luck with your research.
    I look forward to your monthly blog.

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