July, July!!

Hi Everyone! Astronomer in Shanghai is back! Thank you all once again for reading and taking interest in my life and adventures in Shanghai! I hope that all of you are having a safe, healthy, fun, and fully vaccinated summer! As I mentioned in my last post, I’m going to be writing my blog once per month going forward. Since I won’t be writing every week, I’m going to be shifting the focus of the blog to be more about some of the fun, unique, and interesting experiences that I’ve had in Shanghai and less on the minutia of day-to-day life. That said, if there’s ever any topic that you’ld ever like me to talk about or that you’re curious about, please let me know!

So, here’s the first entry of Astronomer in Shanghai 2.0!

While I won’t be spending as much time talking about Astronomy, I will still be sharing any major updates (like papers, conference presentations, grants) with you. So, I wanted to start this new entry off by letting you know that at long last, my Dark Energy Survey Paper on the evolution of the Stellar Mass – Halo Mass Relation was finally submitted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal (ApJ)!!! I’ve been working on this project for over 2 years, so it was a big relief for me to finally submit the project! I’m really proud of this paper (thanks to Chris and Yuanyuan for all their support and help in the process) and think that it tells a really interesting narrative about how the massive central galaxies that reside at the center of galaxy clusters grow over the last 6 billion years (all the growth is in the faint intra-cluster light surrounding the galaxy). If you’re interested in taking a look at the paper, here’s a link to my paper on arXiv (an open source platform used in Astronomy), where you can download the paper as a pdf.


Now on to the more fun stuff!

For those long time readers, you may remember that it is extremely hot in Shanghai over the summer! Most days the temperatures reach the mid to upper 90s (feels like as high as 119) with the nights only cooling off to the mid 80s. And it’s always humid, regardless of the time of day. Basically it’s so hot that every time I come back to my apartment I need to shower. So, this makes doing fun activities outside a little challenging. Even running is a little to tough when it’s this hot. That said, in the past month, in between my research responsibilities (so basically after the paper was submitted on July 1), I’ve made time for some fun activities with a bunch of different friends that I’d like to share with you all!

Some of the main highlights over the last few weeks have been activities within the Kehilat Shanghai community. Due to the travel restrictions (for leaving/entering China), many of the community members are sticking around Shanghai for most of the summer, so we’ve been doing more activities! In the past month, we had a wonderful Family Shabbat and Community Shabbat (hosted by my friends John and Alex)!

Both events were lovely! It’s always so much fun celebrating Shabbat within the Shanghai communities, whether it’s chatting with other members at family Shabbat over pizza (vegan pizza 🙂 ) or going through the Kabbalat Shabbat service and fun discussions at dinner at community Shabbat. This month, Alex led a wonderful Kabbalat Shabbat service and it was really nice to be a member of the audience, instead of the service leader, for a change!

Additionally, my friend David and I have ramped up our trivia nights and are doing them twice a month (just for the summer)! We’ve been getting a really great turnout and are having a blast testing our contestants with a bunch of different categories. Since my last post, I’ve written questions for a connections round, the Summer Olympics, and Gods and Monsters! See how you do down at the end. 🙂

Over the past 2 months, it’s so oppressively hot and humid that I can’t comfortably run outside anymore, so I’ve been going to the F45 HIIT classes a lot (~ 5-6 times per week). I’m really enjoying them and can feel myself getting noticeably stronger! As part of pride month, the gym organized a Pride 5K. Even though it was really uncomfortable running (because of the heat/humidity), it felt great to get out and stretch my legs in that way again (can’t wait until it’s cooler in the fall and I can run more) and to support a good cause!

In the past month, I’ve also been cooking up a storm. From brownies and cookies, to scallion pancakes and so many tofu dishes, I’ve been trying to use a bunch of different and unique Chinese ingredients as well (so many different kinds of tofu — I’ll have to take some photos of all the different kinds they sell here!!). However, sometimes, I do crave things I miss from home. So, last week, my friend Heather and I got together to make Tempeh Reubens! We made the recipe from the Lunchroom, my favorite vegan restaurant in Ann Arbor! They were fantastic!

Additionally, for my 30th birthday, my Mom really wanted to treat me and some of my friends to dinner! Even though I turned 30 almost 3 months ago, I wanted to wait until I submitted my DES paper to celebrate again (I was getting really stressed out about it). So, this past weekend, thanks to some organizational help from my friends Heather and Shimi, I had a lovely celebratory dinner at If Vegan!

It was so much fun gathering with Heather, Shimi, Kate, Ilan, John, and Alex!! We had a fantastic meal! We enjoyed potatoes, clay pot tofu, lotus root with bamboo, ginger crusted mushrooms, lions head mushrooms, more seasonal mushrooms, sweet and sour seitan, dumplings, lotus seeds and aspargus, and tempeh! Afterwards we got gelato for dessert! The food was fantastic!! It was so interesting trying all the different dishes and seeing all the different types of mushrooms that are used! Thank you so much to my friends here for joining me and most importantly to my Mom for treating me to another lovely celebration!!! Even though I’m so far away (too far to mail cupcakes), it’s wonderful to know that you’re still able to do things to help me celebrate. Thank you so much Mom! I love and miss you!!

The last fun highlight I wanted to share was that I finally had time to make jam again!! In April, Hannah Maia and I had bought frozen strawberries with the intention to make strawberry jam one last time. Well, it finally happened. Along with our friend Monte, we made both strawberry jam and strawberry jelly (with the leftover juice from the frozen berries)!

The jam and jelly both turned out great! I look forward to making more (peach/peach mango?) and sharing some with my friends soon!

Additionally, the beginning of July was the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party in China. There were huge celebrations and parades in Beijing. President Xi Jinping did visit Shanghai, where the party was founded (not far from my old apartment in Xintiandi). Unfortunately, there were no parades that I was aware of in Shanghai. However, there were a lot of new decorations and gardens added to the city and to the SJTU campus.

In addition to all my fun activities, I’ve still seen a lot of really cool sculptures, art, clothes, and advertisements that I wanted to share with you!

There were also a lot of cute animals (mostly cats!) and beautiful flowers that I saw!

Thank you so much for reading this latest entry about my life and adventures in Shanghai! I have a lot more fun activities planned for the next month, so, I know I’ll have a lot of interesting things to share with you all next time! Hope you all have a safe, happy, and healthy month!

In peace,



The Summer Olympics

1). The last country to win a Gold Medal in Men’s Basketball that was not the United States was in 2004 when this country led by a young core of Manu Ginobili, Luis Scola, and Andres Nocioni won.

2). Michael Phelps has won 28 Olympic Medals 10 more than any other athlete. The 2nd place athlete is Larisa Latinya a gymnast who competed for this country between 1956-1964

3). The first man to repeat as Champion of the 100m dash was this man?

4). This tennis player is the only athlete to complete the calendar Golden Slam, winning all 4 majors and the Olympics in 1 year.

5). This Japanese gymnast won the All-Around Gold medals in both 2012 and 2016 after winning the Silver in 2008.

6). Baseball and Softball will return to the Olympics in Tokyo. What was the last time Baseball and Softball were contested at the Olympics.

7). In the modern Decathlon (for both men and women), how many of the events are races (this would include hurdles)?
Bonus: name the races:

8). These 4 popular action sports will make their Olympic debut in Tokyo.

9). The southernmost Summer Olympics were contested in what city?

10). This Athlete, known as the Flying Fin, holds the record for most medals by a track athlete at the Summer Olympics.

Gods and Monsters

1). These are Japanese Death Gods

2). These mysterious beings are referenced in Genesis and described as being large and strong.

3). These monsters from Romanian folklore are thought to have inspired the vampire’s in Bram Stoker’s Dracula. They are described as troubled spirits that can rise from the grave and have the ability to transform into animals, become invisible, or gain vitality from the blood of their victims

4). In Norse Mythology, this is the name of the world serpent that will signal the beginning of Ragnarok when it releases its tail.

5). In West African mythology/folklore, this is the name of the spider who is the god of all knowledge of stories

6). This Philistine God, also associated with the Canaanite god Baal, has a name that translates to Lord of the Flies

7). This mythical Phoenix in both Japanese and Chinese mythology is a symbol of fire, the sun, and justice. It is said to appear very rarely and symbol the beginning of a new era, such as the birth of a virtuous ruler

8). This Native American/First Nations monster is described as a malevolent spirit, sometimes with human like characteristics. It has an insatiable hunger and a desire to cannibalize humans.

9). In Greek mythology, Kronus is the father of Zeus, but who is Zeus’s grandfather?

10). In Maori tradition, this demigod is a culture hero and trickster who possessed superhuman strength and could shapeshifter into animals. He’s also credited with catching a giant fish that would create the North Island of New Zealand.

Connections Round (there is a link between the answers to the first 9 questions, the answer to the 10th question is that link)

1). Professional athletes playing in either New York or Winnipeg

2). The Baltimore Ravens are the only professional sports franchise with this type of animal as its mascot

3). A shofar is made from the horn of what animal

4). What year was Live Aid

5). The first name of the dear first First Lady of the United States

6). Madame Tousaud’s is an example of one of these?

7). The name of these common stellar explosions translates to what in English.

8). The Great Wall of China is one well known examples of one of this type of pathway

9). The Title character of an obscure Thomas Hardy novel

10). What is the Connection


The Summer Olympics: 1). Argentina 2). The Soviet Union 3). Carl Lewis 4). Steffi Graf 5). Kohei Uchimura 6). 2008 (Beijing) 7). 4 (100m, 400m, 110 m hurdles, 1500m) 8). Skateboarding, Surfing, Rock Climbing, BMX 9). Melbourne, Australia, 10). Paavo Nurmi

Gods and Monsters: 1). Shinigami 2). Nephilim 3). Strigoi 4). Jormungandr 5). Anansi 6). Beelzebub 7) Ho-o 8). Wendigo 9). Uranus 10). Maui

Connections Round: 1). Jet 2). Blackbird 3). Ram 4). 1985 5). Martha 6). House of Wax 7). New 8). A Long and Winding Road 9). Hey Jude 10). Paul McCartney songs

12 Replies to “July, July!!”

  1. It was so nice to wake up on Sunday to your blog, Jesse. I love the new format. I think Shanghai 2.0 is off to a great start.

    I enjoyed seeing the flowers, art (the black and white drawings of the girl swinging and framed by a gate are lovely), the cats (I recognized the orange one from when we FaceTimed while you were walking to work), the new decorations, your jam in your new Maselin pan!, and the amazing birthday dinner. It truly was my pleasure to treat you and your friends to a belated 30th birthday dinner. I enjoyed chatting with Heather to arrange it, and If Vegan looks intimate, like a home, while the food looks so amazing.

    I am interested in knowing more about the different types of mushrooms you had in those dishes–when I visited England, I loved a dish called “mushrooms on toast” which had varieties we never have at home. I am also interested in knowing more about the different kinds of tofu you can get in China.

    This summer here has been quite rainy–are we having a “Plum Rain Season” like you? I have been able to pick a lot of fruit–strawberries, raspberries, currants, mulberries, and blueberries so far. I have made lots of jam. Emmet helped me organize my inventory and update my spreadsheet! I went up to Wiawaka and donated 36 jars of jam for them to sell as fun raisers, and over half sold that day! We have been able to attend a musical of Man of La Mancha and the NYCB at SPAC; I felt safe since this is an outdoors venue, and the seats have been spaced well in pods with rows left between seats for social distancing. I am also writing a lot–finished up my article on representations of the mobility impaired prince in The Little Lame Prince and even photoshopped my own pictures because the College provided me with photoshop!

    I am so touched about the nice words you said about me, Jesse. I do miss making birthday cakes and cupcakes for you. In cleaning up, I discovered a book with pictures of the fun birthday cakes I made for you over the years–Bert and Ernie, Peter Rabbit and Benjamin Bunny, Harry Potter, Goku and Vegeta, and more. It brought back happy memories of the cakes and themed birthday parties I planned over the years! Until I can make you in person or mail you cupcakes, I am glad I could find a way to help you celebrate in style.

    Love you and miss you, and I am already looking forward to the August installment!


    1. Hi Mom! I’m glad you enjoyed the blog! I’m glad you liked seeing all of my photos! I’ll make sure to share more cat photos with you, too. 🙂 The dinner was lovely and all tasted great!

      I’m not 100% sure what each type of mushroom is. There were so many! I think some were lion’s head mushrooms, another may have been maitake mushrooms. Though, I’m honestly not sure. I’ll take photos of the different kinds of tofu I can get and share that in an upcoming post!

      The rainy season finally seems to have ended here, but it’s still hot. I’m sorry it’s been such a wet summer for you so far. It’s nice that you can pick so much delicious fruit! And I’m glad you were able to safely go to some fun shows as SPAC! And that’s great about your articles as well!

      Thanks again for your birthday gift! It was so nice of you and nice to do something with my friends again!

      Hope you have a safe and healthy month!

  2. Hi Jesse,
    It’s great to have the blog back!!! I really missed reading it every Sunday morning. I like the new format and focusing on the fun events. I’m so glad your paper was submitted! Maybe you’ll have a positive referee report by the time you write your next blog? Unrelated, but did you know Nature (and maybe Nature Astronomy) has an office in Shanghai? I saw it in a job ad. That heat sounds terrible. Hopefully next summer you can beat the heat by going to conferences or coming back to Saratoga. I’m glad you’ve found F45, though! The classes sound fun and it must be nice to have a gym community. Everything at Kehillat Shanghai sounds wonderful! I’m glad Alex led a service and you got to enjoy it from the sidelines for a change. I hope that Kehillat Beijing is just as good. Your meal at If Vegan looks magnificent!! And they had tempeh, too! What was your favorite dish? The mushrooms reminded me of the mushroom hot pot from grasshopper. I’m glad you got to get all your friends together. The jam making also looks like it was super successful. Save me a jar to try when I’m staying with you! I love seeing all of the flowers and cats! Thanks for including those!! And that Flash graffiti was awesome! It’s interesting to see all the decorations for the 100 years of the communist party, too. Anyway, I hope that the rest of July and into August is a great month for you!! Stay safe and healthy!

    1. Thanks Emmet! I hope I’ve heard back from the referee in the next month! I didn’t know Nature had an office in Shanghai, that’s cool. It’d be nice to escape the heat next summer. Unfortunately, there’s not many places that are really cool in China, so maybe next summer. It’s definitely nice going to F45 and it’s nice having instructors who can help me improve my form for a lot of the exercises. I hope that your Kehillat Beijing experience is also great! All the mushrooms did remind me of the mushroom hot pot, though cooked differently. I’ll definitely save you a jar of jam (or more)! I’m glad you liked seeing my photos! I hope that you have a safe and healthy month ahead as well!

  3. Jesse, A great blog post. Wonderful to hear that you were able to submit your paper for publication. That must be so exciting (and the stress until you were able to submit must have been enormous). Those dishes you made sound delightful: sweet and sour seitan sounds like something I want to explore , though last week I made a seitan dish that took only about 15 minutes to cook from start to finish (you saute the seitan and add a sauce just before you remove the seitan from the pan. Then it is finished with sesame seeds.
    And the pics of your birthday dinner dishes look so tasty.
    Harvested mulberries and am making about 7 L of wine (and with some more berries I made a small batch of mulberry jam (not nearly as good as your mother’s jams… but still very edible).
    Don’t know if I previously mentioned but I had read somewhere on line about freezing grapes and eating frozen grapes as a delicious snack. I gotta say frozen grapes are INCREDIBLE. If you can find some I wholeheartedly recommend this. Just wash and dry the grapes and freeze them in the bag in which they come.

    As it happens today is the 9th of Av, the saddest day in the Jewish Calendar so it was lovely to read some cheery news from you. It must be very tough, though to want to run but then have to run in the heat and humidity. This weekend I can fully empathize with you. We are in NYC and the temps have been in the 90s with what feels like humidity to be close to 90% too… almost unbearable…
    Will check out your paper. Thanks for the link.

    1. Thanks Bernard! It was both very exciting and a huge relief to submit my paper! The seitan you made sounds really interesting! Glad to hear about your cooking as well! I don’t think I’ve ever had mulberry jam. The suggestion of the grapes sounds great! I’ll have to pick some up at the fruit markets this week!

      It definitely is tough to want to run, but it’s nice having the gym as a fun alternative. And sorry to hear that you’re also stuck with this awful heat/humidity. Sounds quite similar to what we have here. Hope you have a safe and healthy month!

  4. Thanks for the great post Jesse! It must feel great to have submitted your paper. I enjoy learning about all the great activities at the Kehillah and your activities around Shanghai.
    The food looks fantastic, even if it’s tough to see the photos on Tisha B’Av (as Bernard pointed out), a fast day!
    We (mostly Linda) have been cooking a lot with seitan and tempeh (in addition to tofu). Who knew there were so many varieties of these plant-based protein sources?
    We have enjoyed having Emmet around and will miss him when he is finally able to leave for China in the next few weeks. WEehope you’ll be able to spend some good time together.
    Rabbi Linda joins me in sending love!
    Rabbi Jonathan

    1. Thanks Rabbi Jonathan! It does feel great to have my latest paper submitted, especially since I’ve been working on it for so long. I’m glad to hear that that you enjoyed seeing some of the Kehilat highlights from this past month as well! I love cooking with tempeh and seitan, too! It’s really easy to get here and it’s not expensive at all! I’m glad to hear that you and Rabbi Linda are also enjoying cooking them!

      I know Emmet’s really enjoyed participating in the Temple Sinai services while he’s been home. It was a lot of fun to join for the service that he co-lead (even if it was a little early for me)! I’m very much looking forward to seeing him once he’s arrived (and through quarantine). I’m sure I’ll have lots of photos of that to share!

      Hope you and Rabbi Linda are both staying safe and healthy and have a wonderful month!

  5. Thank you for sharing your blog with us. I do miss not getting it weekly but l understand why you need to do it monthly. Boy are you able to accomplish so much while in China. The flowers and food look delicious. Our summer weather has been very hot and humid lately with rains yesterday that lasted a whole day. We had plenty of streets that got flooded but a nice day today. I worry like most of us that global warming is a real threat to our world. I’ve been spending time with you at the downtown TBZ working on improving the Golden Garden. The sprinkler system is almost fixed and a gardener is going to weed and plant later in August. Otherwise Sol and l are enjoying going for dinner with friends we haven’t seen in two years. Gotta go and do dishes and water flowers.
    Cousin Halli

    1. Thanks Halli! It was a fun month! I’m glad you enjoyed seeing the photos of the flowers and food! It sounds like your summer weather is pretty similar to what my parents are experiencing and not too different from my own. I’m also concerned about global warming. Hopefully, people will begin to take that more seriously. I’m glad to hear that you’re helping to improve the Golden Garden at Temple Beth Zion. And it’s so nice to hear that you and Sol are able to see friends that you haven’t seen in so long! I hope that you both have a safe and healthy next month!

  6. Congratulations Jesse!

    So glad your paper was successfully sent off!!

    And what a wonderful and delicious birthday dinner gathering…

    and celebration!!!

    Sending a big hug to you …via Emmet!

    Happy that you’ll be able to travel around China together!

    Wishing you lots of adventures!

    Love, Pam

    1. Hi Aunt Pam! Thanks! I look forward to getting the hug from Emmet!! I’m hopeful we’ll get to have a lot of fun adventures together! Hope you have a safe and healthy month. 🙂

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