Life in Quarantine: Week 13 and My 29th Birthday!

Welcome to Astronomer in Shanghai! Thank you for following along with my adventures in Shanghai! As the covid-19 pandemic continues to keep many of you sheltered in place, I want this blog to highlight that while this isolation is difficult, eventually things improve. In Shanghai, life is close to returning to a new normal as my last few entries highlight. I do emphasize that the timeline will not be the same everywhere. However, we are all in this together and if we cooperate with social distance guidelines things will improve.

If you find my blog inspiring or helpful, please subscribe and let me know! To subscribe, enter your name and e-mail on the right side of the page. Once subscribed, you’ll receive an e-mail with each new post. If you have any questions about how Shanghai is recovering from covid-19, how I’ve dealt with it, or life in Shanghai, please ask. Instructions are on the “To Comment” page. Also, please share this blog with anyone who needs reassurance that eventually life will return to a semblance of normalcy.

Life in Shanghai

I want to begin this update by checking in with all of you. Even as the situation continues to either stabilize/improve here in Shanghai, know that I continue to think about all of you and your families. I hope that you all remain safe and healthy. I know how difficult being sheltered in place and having to work from home can be. So, I hope that you’re all staying positive, finding fun things to do (even if they’re small) to brighten your days, and making the most out of what is a trying situation. While I don’t know how long this situation will last, I do believe that eventually things will begin to improve in the US, Europe, and rest of the world as they have in Shanghai. With that in mind, I hope that this finds you after having another week of continued health and safety.

As I’ve discussed in my recent posts, life is close to returning to a new normal. Everyone is still wearing masks and it’s even gotten to the point that it’s shocking to see someone walking around without one. The only other noticeable changes are that we’re still required to show our green QR codes and get our temperatures taken when we enter public spaces. Even the gate to the little lane neighborhood I live in is no longer kept locked. The primary things that are different are that public places are capped (in terms of attendance) and schools remain closed. However, as far as I know, SJTU is planning to open it’s campus to students in the middle of May, so things are close to returning to our new normal.

In terms of my weekly covid-19 statistics update, the situation has continued to improve in Shanghai! There are currently just 77 cases in Shanghai (down from 112 last week) and 60 in Beijing. In Shanghai, that means that the recovery rate has risen up to 87%. For China as a whole the recovery rate is ~93%. I will again reiterate that even with these high numbers there is a lot of fear that the reopening of schools may trigger a second wave, so people here are remaining vigilant, which I agree with. I trust that as the recovery rate rises here, it will continue to rise elsewhere assuming social distancing guidelines are followed.

I know that currently there’s a lot of discussions about reopening states in the US and countries in Europe. This really scares me. When we were on week six of our quarantine, Shanghai was just beginning to reopen and even then that was mostly just certain restaurants reopening (with temperature checks) and people were not allowed to visit one another. Most offices were still closed and people were generally remaining home. I had just gone for my first run since the covid-19 outbreak began. More importantly, Shanghai took draconian actions to enforce sheltering in place, which led to this faster timeline of recovery. Given this, I highly recommend that regardless of whether you live in a state that is attempting to prematurely reopen, please continue social distancing. As I’ve emphasized, while life may be close to returning to normal, there’s still a sense that the everything is not quite normal and that precautions must be taken.

In terms of Astronomy, this was a moderately productive week. I continued revising my paper studying different methods of using the Stellar Mass – Halo Mass relation to estimate halo mass and to make that paper more self-contained. It’s been a good exercise to take a step back from this project and remember that not everyone has read my prior work (though I wish they would 🙂 ). I’ve also continued to work mostly on my DESI research on the spectroscopic completeness of galaxy cluster members and my Luminosity Function research. Overall, I’m making progress, which given the difficulties that you all now know about working from home, I view as a win! Additionally, we’ve continued to have weekly meetings within the Zu Group as well as weekly SJTU colloquiums. I’m curious when the campus opens up if we’ll have Zoom colloquiums or if we’ll do them in person (even if they’re just other Astronomers from Shanghai).

Here in Shanghai, the weather has started to really warm up and it’s been enjoyable. Most days it’s in the mid-70s to mid-80s, which is definitely hotter than what I’m used to from Ann Arbor or Saratoga. However, it’s made it really nice to go running! I went for three runs this week and during all my running and walking got many pictures of Shanghai blooming!

As you can see, there are tons of little parks and gardens around Shanghai! It’s one of the reasons I love walking everywhere!

This was a really fun week for me! On Thursday, I was invited over to my friends Heather and Shimi’s home (along with my friend Hannah Maia) for dinner and baking! (more on that in the food section). This was a very fun evening filled with delicious food, and wonderful conversation, which served as a great way to cap my 28th year!

For those of you who don’t know, Friday was my 29th birthday! Looking back, 28 was a very exciting year, I finished my Ph.D., moved from Ann Arbor to Shanghai, started my postdoc at SJTU, started this blog, and have made many wonderful friends in Shanghai! So, hopefully even though my 29th year may have started with the world being in turmoil, it will be equally eventful! I want to thank all of you who reached out to me last week via WeChat, Facebook, or e-mail with birthday wishes! It was so heartwarming to receive all of those.

This is the first birthday I’ve celebrated in Shanghai. While overall it was great, there were definitely some new experiences. First, as many of you know I’m an identical twin (Happy Birthday Emmet!) and it was a little weird celebrating my birthday 12 hours before he did, but we were still able to celebrate and virtually exchange gifts via Zoom (not sure when either of us will get them though 🙂 ). Additionally, because so many of my friends and family are in the US, it felt as though my birthday lasted 36 hours, which was really nice!

On Friday evening, my friends at Moishe House hosted a Birthday Shabbat dinner for me! Given how much of my social circle overlaps with the Moishe House group, this was a wonderful way for me to celebrate my birthday. Hannah Maia made a fantastic vegan Indian meal of chana masala, aloo gobi, and palak tofu! I also made a yummy sesame cauliflower, which was a hit! My friend Casey (one of the other Moishe House residents) also made a delicious vegan carrot cake, following my Mom’s recipe!

I had a pretty fantastic birthday! However, given the current situation around the world, I do want to reflect on how fortunate I was to celebrate with friends in person. I know, from talking to my brother, that it’s not quite as much fun to celebrate just via zoom, so this opportunity made me all the more thankful both for all the friends that I’ve made here in Shanghai and also that the situation has improved here.

To celebrate my birthday, I did buy myself some gifts. While I had an easy time finding a new pair of running shorts and an additional sleeveless running shirt (It’s hot here and I need more!), when I went to buy new ASICS Gel-Kayano sneakers I had a little more difficulty because I have big feet and unlike in the US, they don’t actually carry size 12.5 in stores (or any sizes bigger than 12). Thankfully, Hannah Maia helped me order a new pair of running shoes online via taobao! In addition to running stuff, I also returned to the anime store that I had previously visited near the Yu gardens. As I said in that post, I had to buy me (and my brother) a few anime statues! So, since I still love Dragon Ball Z, I bought myself a Vegeta statue and Emmet a Goku statue!

The Yu Gardens are exceptionally beautiful, so I decided to walk over and take a look on Saturday afternoon (!

As you can see, there was this amazing serpent sculpture snaking around the outer portion of the gardens! This sculpture added a new sense of wonder and majesty to the gardens!

There was also a ton of really cool graffiti in the area surrounding the gardens!

In addition to what was an incredibly fun Saturday, I also had fun hanging out with my friends Heather and Shimi on Sunday! The second photo is our reflections! 🙂

Food in Shanghai

While I didn’t go out to restaurants for any meals this week, I did have some fantastic home cooked meals! On Thursday, my friend Heather made an Ethiopian feast of lentils, spinach, and cabbage! Heather and I also made my now famous (at least here in Shanghai) chocolate tahini cookies! Hannah Maia and Heather also made injera, Ethiopian flat bread!

Overall, it was tons of fun cooking together and made for a really fun evening and delicious meal! Thanks to Shimi for all the fun food photos! I look forward to doing this again!

Jewish Life in Shanghai

As mentioned, on Friday, I went to Moishe House for my birthday Shabbat! Other than it being my birthday, it was also the first Shabbat that we’ve gotten to celebrate at the actual Moishe House since January! It was really nice being together with so many friends! I’m really glad that as Shanghai has continued to emerge from covid-19, the Moishe House community has re-emerged along with it!

Overall, this was a really fun week! I got to celebrate my 29th birthday with friends and even got to spend time outside, both running and exploring Shanghai! I’m really happy that the situation in Shanghai has improved and hope that it continues to maintain. While I’m sure many of you are unable to do similar activities now, know that once this situation improves, you’ll find yourself (as I have) so much more appreciative of the little things (whether it’s coffee with friends or going to dinner) than ever before!

I hope that this update about my life, birthday adventures, and the covid-19 situation in Shanghai provides you hope that things will improve and reach a new normal. This upcoming week should be mostly research focused and then next weekend is the Labor Day holiday. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the current covid-19 situation, please let me know. If you need advice on staying positive based on how I’ve dealt with the situation or just want someone to talk to, please reach out. I want to help support you and assure all of you in any way that I can.

In peace,

26 Replies to “Life in Quarantine: Week 13 and My 29th Birthday!”

  1. Hi Jesse,
    It’s great to hear about your birthday celebrations! I’m so glad you could celebrate with good friends and delicious food. I’m glad we could celebrate virtually and I really like the Goku statue. Thanks so much! How large are those gundam statues? The pictures from the Yu gardens look amazing! Like a water serpent from spirited away. I love seeing how alive (nature-wise) Shanghai looks. Trees are starting to bloom here, but I’m waiting for the first sign of ducklings at the reservoir for it to feel like spring. I can’t believe it’s already in the 70s for you. We still have days in the 40s here. The graffiti you showed looks cool too, especially the dragon. And what a cute picture with you, Heather, and the rat with the mask. I’m glad to hear your papers are progressing and look forward to hearing what SJTU does in terms of seminars. I hope you have a great week!

    1. Hi Emmet! Thanks! I’m glad I was able to celebrate with friends, but it was bittersweet having such a fun experience while you were stuck by yourself. I’m glad you like the Goku statue. The serpent totally reminds me of Haku from Spirited Away! I’m glad you liked the photo of Heather and I and the cat (not a rat) statue as well! I hope you have a productive week and are staying safe and healthy!

  2. A belated Happy Birthday to you, it sounds like it was very special and you are
    having so many fun experiences. I hope your running shoes arrive soon so you can enjoy them.
    The weather is so pleasant where you are and the gardens absolutely beautiful. Glad you make the time to enjoy yourself often. Shalom
    Halli & Sol

    1. Hi Halli and Sol! Thank you so much! My running shoes came yesterday (shipping is super fast hear), so I already enjoyed them today! I’m glad you’re enjoying the photos of Shanghai! I hope you’re both staying safe and healthy.

  3. Great post and happy birthday. For those of us who are not astronomers, or who did not take astronomy in college, can you explain in understandable terms, the nature of your research work. The closest I get to luminosity is when I change batteries in my flashlight, or when I see my granddaughter smile.
    Keep smiling.


    1. Hi Steve! Thank you! That’s an excellent suggestion. On my next post, I’ll do a full deep dive and explain my research (in understandable terms). I hope that you enjoy it!

  4. Hi Jesse!!
    Happy Birthday!!!
    Sounds like a great week!
    The gardens look beautiful…. very nice to have great scenery on your runs!
    Loved the mural too!
    Have a fabulous birthday year!!
    Xox❤️🌹🌺 Pam

  5. Dear Jesse,
    It sounds like you had an amazing birthday celebration, lasting days! Happy birthday to you and Emmett! Your last year of your 20’s is going to be exciting for both of you.
    I love seeing your photos of Shanghai – spring is very slow to arrive in Buffalo, so seeing the beautiful gardens where you are is uplifting! I also love seeing how important the Jewish community is in your life.
    Thank you again for your encouragement to all of us on this side of the world! Knowing that the Covid-19 situation has improved where you are is an inspiration.
    Have a great week!

    1. Thanks Susan! It was a wonderful birthday celebration! I’m so glad that you’re enjoying seeing Shanghai in bloom. I hope that Buffalo starts to emerge into spring soon as well! The Jewish community that I’ve found in Shanghai has been fantastic and it’s really helped me feel at home here. I’m so glad you continue to find these posts inspiring. I hope that you and Steve continue to stay healthy and safe.

  6. Dear Jesse,
    I really enjoyed your post today. As usual, it was very upbeat, and the way your life has improved gives me hope that eventually things will also return to normal here. I know what you mean about missing little things–like meeting a friend for tea or going to the movies or taking a Zumba class at the Y. All these little things I took for granted will seem wonderful when they do resume, although it is uncertain that will happen any time soon. Like you, I felt that your birthday began early! We called the night before, and it was the morning of your birthday. I know you and Emmet have not actually been together for your birthday for the last few years, but you were in the same time zone. I took comfort in that you both had the same vegan carrot cake–I ventured to the post office to mail Emmet a vegan carrot cake with vegan icing, and your new friends made you a cake with that same recipe. So though in different time zones and so far apart, you got to share a similar cake in a virtual way! I feel blessed, too, that you and Emmet are best friends as well as brothers and that you bought each other gifts to show each other over the internet!

    It is also a gift for me to see you smiling with your new friends. The gardens are amazing–are there any plants you have never seen before? Like Emmet, I am entranced by the water serpent that does look like it is straight out of Spirited Away. The picture of you and Heather with the masked rat was also fun to see. And the patterned garden looks spectacular. Although our weather is still up in the air here–60s yesterday but snow predicted today–our garden is showing signs of life. Many daffodils are blooming, as well as the forsythia, and some tulips are coming up. I ordered some more raspberries for our patch–gold and black–and we also have a Red Haven peach tree on order to arrive in late May. So the garden is bringing us all joy–Elsie and Jules love staring at the squirrels and birds in the backyard (although they continue to be terrorized by a visiting outdoor cat).

    Here is wishing you a wonderful year ahead and a very productive week with your Astronomy research. I know you are close to bringing those papers to completion, and I am proud of how hard you are working while sheltering in place.
    Much love, Mom

    1. Hi Mom! I’m so glad you shared the carrot cake recipe with me! It was fantastic and a lovely way to feel connected! In terms of plants, there are a lot of different colorful flowers that I’m not sure that I’ve seen before. However, I’m not entirely sure if they’re new to me or just something I hadn’t noticed. :). I’m so glad to hear that you’re turning our backyard into a mini-orchard with more raspberries, rhubarb, and now peaches! I hope that you also have a productive week! Thank you so much. I hope that you and Dad continue to stay safe and healthy!

  7. Hi, Jesse. I cannot believe it is your 29th birthday! (Hey, Emmet–when you read this, happy b-day to you, too!) Of course all the old people–like me–in your life are going to express incredulity that you are in the final year of your 20s. My goodness, life is swift but life is good. Thanks for sharing such a marvelous post, with loads of tasty and fun pictures. I love your Mom’s carrot cake, so I am jealous. Ha!

    1. Thanks Barbara! I’m glad that you enjoyed this post. I completely agree that my Mom’s carrot cake (and baking in general) is fantastic! I hope that you and your family continue to stay safe and healthy!

  8. Hi Jesse! It’s great to hear you had a nice birthday full of cake with friends! 🙂

    I was πarticularly wowed by the anime store! Sounds like a lot of fun! I’m still looking forward to visiting you at some point although I imagine it will have to wait until at least 2021.


    1. Thanks Ryan! The anime store is great! They have tons of statues from DBZ to One Piece to One Punch Man to My Hero Academia to tons of Gundam stuff! It’d be great to have you visit once the world returns to normal and we can definitely go to visit the anime store! I hope that you continue to stay safe and healthy in Michigan.

  9. Happy birthday to you , Jesse and to Emmet. Another very interesting blog and the Ethiopian food you had sounds delicious. I’ve made injera once or twice and I often make an Ethiopian honey wine (mead) called t’ej (made with gesho (a buckthorn native to Ethiopia that is added to the honey to add some bitterness to the mead (similar in some ways to European hops added to beer: both to add bittering (and aroma and other flavors to balance the sweetness of the drink and to give the drink some preservative qualities – tho t’ej is usually made for drinking and not for aging ).
    A question about taking temperatures and Covid-19. I think we know that many people can be infected and asymptomatic. Does that not suggest that they do not run a fever? If they don’t then what is the effectiveness of checking temperatures?
    Still too risky here in Saratoga to plant outside but in honor of Earth Day I sewed some cucumber, tomato, pepper and pole beans indoors. Hopefully, these seeds wil germinate and I will be able to transplant them outdoors into our raised beds. This morning Lisa and I took apart the frame of an old futon we no longer use and up-cycled this to make two frames for a vertical garden that will grow pots of herbs and flowers over the summer. Are you familiar with Sunnyside Gardens , a Nursery, on Lake Ave? I have to order plants from them in another week or so.
    Stay safe and stay well and good luck with the progress of your research and writing.

    1. Thanks Bernard! My understanding is that the asymptomatic cases do not run a fever. So, you are correct that taking temperatures is not effective. I know that here in China the number of asymptomatic cases was not kept (early on) so that may be one of the reasons temperature checking caught on. So, while it would catch the sick people, not the asymptomatic. I hope that Saratoga starts to warm up so you can start planting your vegetables. It sounds like you’ll have quite the garden! I have many fond memories of the hay ride at Sunnyside Gardens! I hope that you and Lisa continue to stay safe and healthy.

  10. Jesse and Emmet, happy birthday to the Golden-Marxi! Cannot believe you guys are 29, however my son just turned 11 so things are really flying by. Jesse, reading your weekly posts has been entertaining, informative and in a strange way calming. I actually save them for when I am a bit demoralized, they have a pep talk quality to them (at least they do for me) so thank you for that. Enjoy the last year in your 20s, next year is a big one for you both. Hopefully you will be able to celebrate together, surrounded with family and friends!! Be well

    1. Thanks Mr. Crotty!! It’s great to hear from you. I know Emmet also really appreciated it, too! Hopefully next year Emmet and I’ll get to celebrate together! While It’s hard to believe that we’re 29, it’s hard to believe that Shay is already 11, I still remember when you brought him to our graduation party!

      I’m so glad to hear that my posts have been calming. I’m really glad that they’re able to help cheer you up! I definitely aim for a bit of a pep talk/optimistic outlook in them, so I’m glad that comes through. I’m sure with schools closed that the last few weeks have been very chaotic, so I’m happy I can do a little bit to help. Is Saratoga High School doing virtual schooling for the rest of the year? I hope that you and your family continue to stay safe and healthy!

      1. School is up in the air at this point. Keeps moving back with the governors timeline on closures. I personally do not see it, but I really do not have any idea.

        1. I didn’t realize Saratoga Schools hadn’t officially closed for the year. I’m sure the lack of actual information has made the last few weeks really stressful. Given my experience here (we waited ~ 3/4 months to reopen), I’d be surprised if they reopen this year. I hope that you get clarity soon.

  11. Happy birthday to you both! I’m glad to hear the recovery rate is so high in China, and those action figures look super rad. Lots of love from California in Quarantine. -G+A

    1. Thanks Geoff and Amanda! The anime store was awesome! It’s definitely a cool place to visit. I hope you guys are both staying safe and healthy!

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